

Tags: geometry, geometric transformation, rotation, parallelogram, geometry proposed

points in plane set $A$ containing $n$ points in plane is given. a $copy$ of $A$ is a set of points that is made by using transformation, rotation, homogeneity or their combination on elements of $A$. we want to put $n$ $copies$ of $A$ in plane, such that every two copies have exactly one point in common and every three of them have no common elements. a) prove that if no $4$ points of $A$ make a parallelogram, you can do this only using transformation. ($A$ doesn't have a parallelogram with angle $0$ and a parallelogram that it's two non-adjacent vertices are one!) b) prove that you can always do this by using a combination of all these things. time allowed for this question was 1 hour and 30 minutes