Let's say there are $x$ students in the class. If $x=4$, it is not possible to have three students who can take a folder in every situation. For example;
Say first student's correct questions are
$1, 2, 3, ..., 669$
second student's are
$670, 671, ..., 1338$
third student's are
$1339, 1340, ..., 2007$
and last student made all questions correct. It is clear that there is no question that three students made incorrect in common. So $4$ doesn't provide conditions.
for $x=5$ we could say the same, the only difference is fifth student, which could solve every problem correctly and in this way $5$ doesn't provide conditions.
Say we have $6$ students in this class. We have $2\times 2010$ rights to make incorrect questions. A student should have at least $1341$ incorrect, if this student doesn't get any folder. We need $4$ students who can't get a folder but $1341\times 4 = 5364$ and $2\times 2010 =4020$. So we can't have 4 students out of 6, who can't get a folder. $6$ provides the condition.