Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that \[ \frac{a^2b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(a-b)}{c+a} \ge 0. \]
Source: Balkan MO 2010, Problem 1
Tags: inequalities, rearrangement inequality, inequalities proposed, Balkan
04.05.2010 15:31
very easy problem . CLear arithmetic, and AM-GM at the end
04.05.2010 15:36
sandu2508 wrote: Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that \[ \frac{a^2b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(a-b)}{c+a} \ge 0\] Substitution $x=\frac{1}{a}, y=\frac{1}{b}, z=\frac{1}{c},$ this inequality become $\sum\frac{x-z}{y+z}\ge0,$ which is true by Rearrangement Inequality $\sum x\left(\frac{1}{y+z}\right)\ge\sum z\left(\frac{1}{y+z}\right).$
04.05.2010 17:09
An ugly solution: If somebody had the patience to make the common denominator, he would had a surprise: $\frac{a^{2}b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^{2}c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^{2}a(a-b)}{c+a} = \frac{a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2}{(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)}.$ We have to prove that: $a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2 \geq 0 \Leftrightarrow$ $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \geq a^3b^2c+a^2bc^3+ab^3c^2 $. We can see that this inequality is true by Muirhead, and prove it taking: $\frac{a^3b^3+a^3b^3+b^3c^3}{3} \geq a^2b^3c$ (by AM-GM). and its analogs. Summing up those 3 inequalities, our problem is solved.
04.05.2010 17:10
Wow easy. Rearrangement is so obvious, the differences b-c,c-a,a-b immediately reminded me of it (wya, excellent solution, I never thought of that substitution). I thought like this: Dividing everything with abc gets rid of ugly $a^2b,b^2c,c^2a$ terms and leaves us only with $ab,bc,ca$ to work with. So, if some of $a,b,c$ is zero, easy. Else divide everything with abc, and set substitute $x=bc,y=ca,z=ab$ We get the inequality $\sum \frac{z-y}{x+y}\ge 0$ which is true by Rearrangement (wya's work)
04.05.2010 21:15
very easy like this :if we sum up abc to each term of left hand side and also 3abc to the right hand side and then we apply the a.m-g.m...all is done
04.05.2010 22:01
Let's do it, dear Anni! The inequality is equivalent to \[ abc+\frac{a^{2}b(b-c)}{a+b}+abc+\frac{b^{2}c(c-a)}{b+c}+abc+\frac{c^{2}a(a-b)}{c+a}\ge 3abc \] Therefore \[\left.LHS=ab^2\cdot\frac{a+c}{a+b}+bc^2\cdot\frac{b+a}{b+c}+ca^2\cdot\frac{c+b}{c+a}\stackrel{AM-GM}{\geq}3\sqrt[3]{ab^2\cdot\frac{a+c}{a+b}\cdot bc^2\cdot\frac{b+a}{b+c}\cdot ca^2\cdot\frac{c+b}{c+a}}=3abc=RHS\right.\]
05.05.2010 15:07
What is BMO? Balank or British
05.05.2010 15:12
It's Balkan!
05.05.2010 18:58
There are many ways to solve this! Another one is: Equivalently we have: $\sum_{cyclic}{\frac{ab}{bc + ca}} \geq \sum_{cyclic}{\frac{a}{b + a}}$ Add $\sum_{cyclic}{\frac{b}{b + a}}$ to both sides Then we need to show: $\sum_{cyclic}{\frac{ab}{ac + bc} + \frac{b}{b + a}} = \sum_{cyclic}{\frac{ab}{ac + bc} + \frac{bc}{bc + ac}} = \sum_{cyclic}{\frac{ab + bc}{ac + bc}} \geq 3$ which is true because by AM-GM: $\sum_{cyclic}{\frac{ab + bc}{ac + bc}} \geq 3\sqrt[3]{\frac{(ab + bc)(bc + ca)(ca + ab)}{(ab + ca)(ca + bc)(bc + ab)}} = 3$.
06.05.2010 22:20
which state proposed this problem? was any problem in the exam proposed by albanian leader?
07.05.2010 04:16
wya may I ask something? When you substitute the $x = 1/a$, $y = 1/b$, $z = 1/c$, did you have to write out, by hand, the transformation from the original substitution into this?: $\sum\frac{x-z}{y+z}\ge0$ Or is there some property of summations that allows you to make easy work of such a substitution? I did it by hand using the first term $\frac{a^{2}b(b - c)}{a + b}$ and got $\sum\frac{z-y}{y+x}\ge0$ which is equivalent to yours, however, I was wondering why you did not end up with the same looking summation as I had, and thus, was wondering if there was some special way of doing this. and can someone show me the rearrangement part?
07.05.2010 10:08
The substitution that wya used is first that try most of the competitors leading us to the equivalent inequality $ \sum\frac{x-z}{y+z}\ge0 $ If we consider that the sum of the nominators is zero, we can continue even without using a theorem. Then we can re-write in obvious forms: if x is maximum(or one of the maximums) using $ (y-x)=-((z-y)+(x-z))$: \[ \frac{(z-y)^{2}}{(x+y)(x+z)}+\frac{(x-z)(x-y)}{(y+z)(x+z)}\ge 0 \] and it is clear that inequality holds. Using same idea, re-writing other two nominators, when y or z is maximum, we can obtain some similar forms. Thus, it holds in every case.
07.05.2010 11:06
sandu2508 wrote: Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that \[ \frac{a^2b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(a-b)}{c+a} \ge 0\] $\Leftrightarrow \frac{c^3(2a+b)(a-b)^2+a^3(2b+c)(b-c)^2+b^3(2c+a)(c-a)^2}{3}\ge 0$
07.05.2010 11:51
turcas_c wrote: An ugly solution: If somebody had the patience to make the common denominator, he would had a surprise: $\frac{a^{2}b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^{2}c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^{2}a(a-b)}{c+a} = \frac{a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2}{(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)}.$ We have to prove that: $a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2 \geq 0 \Leftrightarrow$ $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \geq a^3b^2c+a^2bc^3+ab^3c^2 $. We can see that this inequality is true by Muirhead, and prove it taking: $\frac{a^3b^3+a^3b^3+b^3c^3}{3} \geq a^2b^3c$ (by AM-GM). and its analogs. Summing up those 3 inequalities, our problem is solved. I proved it just like you and I believe this is the easiest and most elegant way of proving this inequality.
08.05.2010 18:01
Let $abc=1$, and then inequality becomes: \[ \sum_{cyc}{\frac{ab}{ac+bc}} \geq \sum_{cyc}{\frac{ac}{ac +bc}} \] Let $ab=x, bc=y, ca=z$, we have: \[ \frac{x}{y+z} +\frac{y}{z+x} +\frac{z}{x+y} \geq \frac{x}{x+y} +\frac{y}{y+z} +\frac{z}{z+x} \] Which is true by Rearrangement inequality. Edit: After reading what was written above, I realized that my solution is pretty much what Bugi said.
13.05.2010 14:08
turcas_c wrote: An ugly solution: If somebody had the patience to make the common denominator, he would had a surprise: $\frac{a^{2}b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^{2}c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^{2}a(a-b)}{c+a} = \frac{a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2}{(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)}.$ We have to prove that: $a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2 \geq 0 \Leftrightarrow$ $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \geq a^3b^2c+a^2bc^3+ab^3c^2 $. We can see that this inequality is true by Muirhead, and prove it taking: $\frac{a^3b^3+a^3b^3+b^3c^3}{3} \geq a^2b^3c$ (by AM-GM). and its analogs. Summing up those 3 inequalities, our problem is solved. My first try ... is same as your solution. Nice AM-GM in the end!
16.05.2010 19:32
turcas_c wrote: An ugly solution: If somebody had the patience to make the common denominator, he would had a surprise: $\frac{a^{2}b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^{2}c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^{2}a(a-b)}{c+a} = \frac{a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2}{(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)}.$ We have to prove that: $a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2 \geq 0 \Leftrightarrow$ $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \geq a^3b^2c+a^2bc^3+ab^3c^2 $. We can see that this inequality is true by Muirhead, and prove it taking: $\frac{a^3b^3+a^3b^3+b^3c^3}{3} \geq a^2b^3c$ (by AM-GM). and its analogs. Summing up those 3 inequalities, our problem is solved. i did it tis way and i took 1 point:S
16.05.2010 19:53
Ledio9494 wrote: turcas_c wrote: An ugly solution: If somebody had the patience to make the common denominator, he would had a surprise: $\frac{a^{2}b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^{2}c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^{2}a(a-b)}{c+a} = \frac{a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2}{(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)}.$ We have to prove that: $a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2 \geq 0 \Leftrightarrow$ $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \geq a^3b^2c+a^2bc^3+ab^3c^2 $. We can see that this inequality is true by Muirhead, and prove it taking: $\frac{a^3b^3+a^3b^3+b^3c^3}{3} \geq a^2b^3c$ (by AM-GM). and its analogs. Summing up those 3 inequalities, our problem is solved. i did it tis way and i took 1 point:S If you did it like this than you must have taken 10 points! What did your leader say?
16.05.2010 22:09
Ledio9494 wrote: turcas_c wrote: An ugly solution: If somebody had the patience to make the common denominator, he would had a surprise: $\frac{a^{2}b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^{2}c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^{2}a(a-b)}{c+a} = \frac{a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2}{(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)}.$ We have to prove that: $a^3b^3-a^3b^2c+a^3c^3-a^2bc^3+b^3c^3-ab^3c^2 \geq 0 \Leftrightarrow$ $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \geq a^3b^2c+a^2bc^3+ab^3c^2 $. We can see that this inequality is true by Muirhead, and prove it taking: $\frac{a^3b^3+a^3b^3+b^3c^3}{3} \geq a^2b^3c$ (by AM-GM). and its analogs. Summing up those 3 inequalities, our problem is solved. i did it tis way and i took 1 point:S If you used Muirhead, it would be wrong, Muirhead guarantees inequalities for symmetric sums but not cyclic. So Muirhead only proves that $a^3b^3+a^3c^3+b^3a^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3+c^3b^3 \ge a^3b^2c+a^3c^2b+b^3a^2c+b^3c^2a+c^3a^2b+c^3b^2a$ If you used AM-GM, it would be wrong, AM-GM proves that: $\frac{a^3b^3+a^3b^3+b^3c^3}{3} \ge b^3a^2c$ $\frac{b^3c^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3}{3} \ge c^3b^2a$ $\frac{c^3a^3+c^3a^3+a^3b^3}{3} \ge a^3c^2b$ So $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \ge a^3c^2b+b^3a^2c+c^3b^2a$ But you were trying to prove that $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3 \ge a^3b^2c+b^3c^2a+c^3a^2b$ Which is different from the above.
07.04.2018 17:04
Duarti wrote: By C-S: $\sum{\frac{a^2b^2(b-c)^2}{b(a+b)(b-c)}}\geq \frac{(\sum{ab(b-c)})^2}{\sum{b(a+b)(b-c)}}$ It's wrong of course.
08.11.2018 15:15
With the rearrangement inequality, we know that $$x^3+y^3+z^3\ge x^2y+y^2z+z^2x$$ for all positive real $x, y, z$. Now we let $a=\frac{1}{x}, b=\frac{1}{y}, c=\frac{1}{z}$ so we know that $$\frac{1}{a^3}+\frac{1}{b^3}+\frac{1}{c^3}\ge\frac{1}{bc^2}+\frac{1}{ca^2}+\frac{1}{ab^2}$$ for all positive real $a, b, c$. Multiplying both sides by $a^3b^3c^3$ we get $$a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3\ge a^3b^2c+b^3c^2a+c^3a^2b.$$ Therefore $a^3b^3+b^3c^3+c^3a^3-a^3b^2c-b^3c^2a-c^3a^2b\ge0$. Adding some stuff and taking it away again, we get $$a^2b^3c-a^2bc^3+a^3b^3-a^3bc^2+ab^2c^3+b^3c^3-a^3b^2c-a^2b^3c+a^3bc^2-ab^3c^2+a^3c^3-ab^2c^3 \ge 0.$$ Oh, look! It magically factorises to $$a^2b(b^2-c^2)(c+a)+b^2(c^2-a^2)(a+b)+c^2a(a^2-b^2)(b+c)\ge0.$$ I bet you're wondering how I found such a beautiful factorisation. Well, now, you can divide both sides by $(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)$ to get \[ \frac{a^2b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(a-b)}{c+a} \ge 0. \] To find how I worked this (pretty boring) method out, just follow all my steps in reverse.
07.04.2020 09:45
sandu2508 wrote: Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that \[ \frac{a^2b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(a-b)}{c+a} \ge 0. \] Let $a,b,c>0$. Prove that\[\frac{a(c-b)}{2a+3b+c}+\frac{b(a-c)}{2b+3c+a}+\frac{c(b-a)}{2c+3a+b}\ge 0\]https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c6h489134p2741648 \[\frac{(a+2b+1)(a-b)}{b(2c+a)}+\frac{(b+2c+1)(b-c)}{c(2a+b)}+\frac{(c+2a+1)(c-a)}{a(2b+c)}\ge0\]https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c6h576961p3401520 \[\frac{a(a-b)}{c^2+ca+ab}+\frac{b(b-c)}{a^2+ab+bc}+\frac{c(c-a)}{b^2+bc+ca}\geq 0\]https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c6h583859p3451999 For $a, b, c>0$, prove the following "twin"" inequalities: \[ \frac{ab(b^2-ac)}{a+b}+\frac{bc(c^2-ab)}{b+c}+\frac{ca(a^2-bc)}{c+a} \ge 0. \]\[ \frac{ab(ab-c^2)}{b+c}+\frac{bc(bc-a^2)}{c+a}+\frac{ca(ca-b^2)}{a+b} \ge 0. \]https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/c6h2094743p15141068
17.03.2021 05:16
sandu2508 wrote: Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that \[ \frac{a^2b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(a-b)}{c+a} \ge 0. \] By clearing the denominators, we have to show that \[\sum_{cyc} a^2b(b^2-c^2)(c+a)=\sum_{cyc} a^3b^3-\sum_{cyc} a^3b^2c\ge 0\]which by Schur's Inequality, we know that \[\sum_{cyc} a^3b^3 \ge \sum_{sym} a^3b^2c - 3a^2b^2c^2\ge \sum_{cyc} a^3b^2c\]$\textbf{\textit{IFF}}$ \[\sum_{cyc} a^2c \ge 3abc\]which is just AM-GM. $\quad \blacksquare$
07.01.2022 17:02
By adding $abc$ to each fraction, we wish to prove $\sum \frac{ab^2(a+c)}{a+b} \geq 3abc$ which follows directly from AM-GM.
07.01.2022 17:38
Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that$$ \frac{a^2b(ab-c^2)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(bc-a^2)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(ca-b^2)}{c+a} \ge 0$$
07.01.2022 19:40
sqing wrote: Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that$$ \frac{a^2b(ab-c^2)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(bc-a^2)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(ca-b^2)}{c+a} \ge 0$$ It's $$\sum_{cyc}(a^4b^3-a^3b^2c^2)\geq0,$$which is obvious.
08.01.2022 03:01
12.02.2023 10:24
sandu2508 wrote: Let $a,b$ and $c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that \[ \frac{a^2b(b-c)}{a+b}+\frac{b^2c(c-a)}{b+c}+\frac{c^2a(a-b)}{c+a} \ge 0. \] if we divide each side by abc, we get $\sum(\frac{ab-ac}{ac+bc})\ge 0$ $ab=x, bc=y, ac=z$ $\sum(\frac{x-z}{y+z})\ge 0$ add 3 both sides, $1-\frac{z}{y+z}=\frac{y}{y+z}$ so, $\sum(\frac{x+y}{y+z})\ge 3$ and it is well-known(according to AM-GM). So, we are done.
28.10.2023 20:35
14.11.2023 02:46
Generalization 1 Let $a_{1},a_{2},\cdots,a_{n}$ be positive reals ($n\geq 3$). Then prove that $$\sum_{cyc}{\left(\dfrac{\prod{\left(a_{1}\right)}\dfrac{a_{k}}{a_{k-1}}\left(a_{k+1}-a_{k-1}\right)}{a_{k}+a_{k+1}}\right)}\geq 0$$
11.11.2024 21:44
First sum it and after that it can be done easily by muirhead ineq
17.11.2024 22:42
MexicOMM wrote: Sorry to revive, but I think this solution is the simplest one. Like everybody has seen, we need to prove that: \[ \frac{a^2b^2}{a+b} + \frac{a^2c^2}{a+c} + \frac{b^2c^2}{b+c} \ge \frac{a^2bc}{a+b} +\frac{abc^2}{a+c}+\frac{ab^2c}{b+c}\]WLOG we can asume that $a \ge b \ge c$, so we get $ \frac{ab}{a+b} \ge \frac{ac}{a+c} \ge \frac{cb}{c+b}$, you can see this by just simplifying, and $ab \ge ac \ge bc$, so applying the rearrangement inequality, with the previous sets we get the result. Why we can take $a\ge b\ge c$? This inequality not symmetric
17.11.2024 23:36
BreezeCrowd wrote: MexicOMM wrote: Sorry to revive, but I think this solution is the simplest one. Like everybody has seen, we need to prove that: \[ \frac{a^2b^2}{a+b} + \frac{a^2c^2}{a+c} + \frac{b^2c^2}{b+c} \ge \frac{a^2bc}{a+b} +\frac{abc^2}{a+c}+\frac{ab^2c}{b+c}\]WLOG we can asume that $a \ge b \ge c$, so we get $ \frac{ab}{a+b} \ge \frac{ac}{a+c} \ge \frac{cb}{c+b}$, you can see this by just simplifying, and $ab \ge ac \ge bc$, so applying the rearrangement inequality, with the previous sets we get the result. Why we can take $a\ge b\ge c$? This inequality not symmetric It means triples $(ab,ac,bc)$ and $\left(\frac{ab}{a+b},\frac{ac}{a+c},\frac{cb}{c+b}\right)$ have the same ordering.