An unordered triple of numbers $(a,b,c)$ in one move you can change to either $(a,b,2a+2b-c)$, $(a,2a+2c-b,c)$ or $(2b+2c-a,b,c)$. Can you from the triple $(3,5,14)$ get the tripel $(3,13,6)$ in finite amount of moves?
Source: Belarusian National Olympiad 2023
Tags: number theory
An unordered triple of numbers $(a,b,c)$ in one move you can change to either $(a,b,2a+2b-c)$, $(a,2a+2c-b,c)$ or $(2b+2c-a,b,c)$. Can you from the triple $(3,5,14)$ get the tripel $(3,13,6)$ in finite amount of moves?