

Tags: analytic geometry, vector, geometry, RMM

Let $n$ be a given positive integer. Say that a set $K$ of points with integer coordinates in the plane is connected if for every pair of points $R, S\in K$, there exists a positive integer $\ell$ and a sequence $R=T_0,T_1, T_2,\ldots ,T_{\ell}=S$ of points in $K$, where each $T_i$ is distance $1$ away from $T_{i+1}$. For such a set $K$, we define the set of vectors \[\Delta(K)=\{\overrightarrow{RS}\mid R, S\in K\}\] What is the maximum value of $|\Delta(K)|$ over all connected sets $K$ of $2n+1$ points with integer coordinates in the plane? Grigory Chelnokov, Russia