Danielle has an m×n board and wants to fill it with pieces composed of two or more diagonally connected squares as shown, without overlapping or leaving gaps:
a) Find all values of (m,n) for which it is possible to fill the board.
b) If it is possible to fill an m×n board, find the minimum number of pieces Danielle can use to fill it.
Note: The pieces can be rotated.
(a) Suppose m is odd, i.e., m=2k+1 for some non-negative integer k. Let's color the board like a chessboard. In the first column, there will be k+1 squares of one color (say, white), and in the second column, there will be only k squares of that color. However, each piece placed on a white square in the first column must also occupy a white square in the second column. This would mean that two pieces must occupy the same square in the second column, which is a contradiction. Therefore, m must be even. By a similar argument, n must also be even. Thus, the board must have dimensions (2m,2n) for some positive integers m and n.
(b) Let's color the 2m×2n board like a chessboard. Consider all the white squares on the perimeter of the board. There are a total of 2m+2n−2 such white squares. Notice that each piece we use can occupy at most 2 of these perimeter white squares. Therefore, we need at least (2m+2n−2)/2=m+n−1 pieces to cover the white perimeter squares. Similarly, we need at least m+n−1 pieces to cover the black perimeter squares. Thus, we need at least 2(m+n−1) pieces in total. It is easy to construct an example that achieves this bound (e.g., using diagonal strips).