
Source: Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik 2024, Round 2 - Problem 3

Tags: ratio, geometry, geometry proposed, area of a triangle, inequalities

Let $ABC$ be a triangle. For a point $P$ in its interior, we draw the threee lines through $P$ parallel to the sides of the triangle. This partitions $ABC$ in three triangles and three quadrilaterals. Let $V_A$ be the area of the quadrilateral which has $A$ as one vertex. Let $D_A$ be the area of the triangle which has a part of $BC$ as one of its sides. Define $V_B, D_B$ and $V_C, D_C$ similarly. Determine all possible values of $\frac{D_A}{V_A}+\frac{D_B}{V_B}+\frac{D_C}{V_C}$, as $P$ varies in the interior of the triangle.