
Source: XIII International Festival of Young Mathematicians Sozopol 2024, Theme for 10-12 grade

Tags: combinatorics

Each cell in a \( 2024 \times 2024 \) table contains the letter \( A \) or \( B \), with the number of \( A \)'s in each row being the same and the number of \( B \)'s in each column being the same. Alexandra and Boris play the following game, alternating turns, with Alexandra going first. On each turn, the player chooses a row or column and erases all the letters in it that have not yet been erased, as long as at least one letter is erased during the turn, and at the end of the turn, at least one letter remains in the table. The game ends when exactly one letter remains in the table. Alexandra wins the game if the letter is \( A \), and Boris wins if it is \( B \). What is the number of initial tables for which Alexandra has a winning strategy?