Let k be a fixed integer greater than 1, and let m=4k2−5. Show that there exist positive integers a and b such that the sequence (xn) defined by x0=a,x1=b,xn+2=xn+1+xnforn=0,1,2,…, has all of its terms relatively prime to m. Proposed by Jaroslaw Wroblewski, Poland
Source: Poland 2005, IMO Shortlist 2004, number theory problem 4
Tags: quadratics, number theory, Sequence, relatively prime, IMO Shortlist
17.04.2005 05:27
Let u,ˉu be the roots of the equation x2−x−1=0 (the characteristic equation of the sequence). Since every prime divisor of m has 5 as a quadratic residue, if we fix p, we can regard u,ˉu as residues \pmod p, and carry out the computations in this manner. The general term of the sequence is x_n=\alpha u^n+\beta \bar u^n (where I changed the notations a bit and took x_0=a,x_1=b), and we must show that we can pick \alpha,\beta\pmod p s.t. \alpha u^n+\beta \bar u^n\ne 0,\ \forall n in \mathbb Z_p. We can do this by taking au\equiv b\pmod p, which translates (after doing the computations) to \beta\equiv 0\pmod p.
17.04.2005 14:02
Quote: Since every prime divisor of m has 5 as a quadratic residue, if we fix p, we can regard u,\bar u as residues \pmod p, and carry out the computations in this manner. I' m beginner in "mathematic english" Can you explain me what does "quadratic residue" mean ?
17.04.2005 14:21
jak sama nazwa wskazuje, jest to reszta kwadratowa
18.04.2005 20:23
Can you give me a more clearly solution ,Grobber ?
18.04.2005 21:54
Nice solution Grobber, it is also what I had!
19.04.2005 20:27
It is a very nice solution! One can make it a little bit more elementary. If we take x = 2k + 1 + m then x^{2} - 2x - 4 \equiv (2k+1)^{2} - 2(2k+1) - 4 = 4k^{2} + 4k + 1 - 4k - 2 - 4 = 4k^{2}-5 = m \equiv 0 \ (mod \ m) . Therefore because of x being even we can take y = x/2 and then x^{2} - 2x - 4 = 4(y^{2} - y - 1) \equiv 0 \ (mod \ m) , and because m is odd, we get that y^{2} - y - 1 \equiv 0 \ (mod \ m) . Also we have gcd(y,m)= 1 , because 2y \equiv 2k+1 \ (mod \ m) , so 2(2k-1)y \equiv 4k^{2} - 1 \equiv 4 \ (mod \ m) , and m is odd. Therefore also y^{n} is co-prime to m . Now if we take x_{1} = y , x_{2} = y^{2} and define x_{n} by recursion x_{n+2} = x_{n+1} + x_{n} , then of course x_{n+2} \equiv x_{n+1} + x_{n} \ (mod \ m) , but also because of y satisfying y^{2} - y - 1 \equiv 0 \ (mod \ m) , we get that y^{n+2} \equiv y^{n+1} + y^{n} \ (mod \ m) , and by induction one can show that x_{n} \equiv y^{n} \ (mod \ m) for every n \geqslant 0 . Now, we have seen that y^{n} is co-prime to m , so x_{n} is also co-prime to n .
12.08.2005 11:02
Incidentally, this was also problem 6 of the 2nd TST of Taiwan 2005.
20.01.2006 23:26
Suppose k is not a multiple of 5, then let prime factorization m=p_1^{a_1}p_2^{a_2}...p_r^{a_r}. Define the Fibonacci sequence to be F_0=1, F_1=1, F_n=F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}. By Binet's formula, F_n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \left ( \left (\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} \right )^{n+1} - \left ( \frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2} \right )^{n+1} \right ) Lemma 1: x^2 = q^2(\mod p) has at two solutions x modulo p^a if (p, q)=1 and p is odd prime. Proof: It factors to (x+q)(x-q)=0(\mod p). then p divides either x+q or x-q the desired lemma follows. Hence from Lemma 1 we know \sqrt{5} = \pm 2k (mod p_i) for i=1, 2, ..., r since we know p_i is not 2 or 5. Lemma 2: F_n \neq \left ( \frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} \right)F_{n-1} (\mod p_i). Proof: Assume it's true, then we know \sqrt{5}=\pm 2k and it's relatively prime to p_i so WLOG we let it be \sqrt{5}=2k we substitute F_n and F_{n+1} and simplify we have (1-2k)^n (4k) = 0(\mod p_i). but if p_i|1-2k then p_i|m+(1+2k)(1-2k) => p_i | 4=> p_i=2 so contradiction. If p_i | 4k then p_i |5 also contradiction. The desired lemma follows(you could just make a simple argument with limits, but I'm not sure how rigorous that is) Now let a=2k^2-k-3 a = -\frac{1+2k}{2} (\mod m) and so a is relatively prime to m since 4k^2-5 - (2k+1)(2k-1) = -4 and (4, 4k^2-5)=1 b=1 . Now x_n=F_{n-1}a + F_{n})b=-F_{n-1} \phi + F_n(\mod p_i) and it's never 0 relatively prime to all p_i so relatively prime to m as desired. If k is a multiple of 5 it's not big deal, as 5 is the largest power of 5 that divides m so m=5 p_1^{a_1} p_2^{a_2}...p_r^{a_r} so we can just say a=2k^2-k-3 a = 2(\mod 5) and a = -\frac{1+2k}{2} (\mod \frac{m}{5}) b=1, and we know x_n is relatively prime to all p_i and is relatively prime to 5 (modulo 5 x_n sequence is 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4....). So x_n and m are relatively prime too. QED
05.06.2006 09:13
Is Leva 1980's solution is true? I could not translate to any of a or b. Abdurashid
06.07.2008 19:32
grobber wrote: The general term of the sequence is x_n = \alpha u^n + \beta \bar u^n (where I changed the notations a bit and took x_0 = a,x_1 = b), and we must show that we can pick \alpha,\beta\pmod p s.t. \alpha u^n + \beta \bar u^n\ne 0,\ \forall n in \mathbb Z_p. We can do this by taking au\equiv b\pmod p, which translates (after doing the computations) to \beta\equiv 0\pmod p. Can you explain in detail?
15.07.2011 21:47
Here's another solution:
12.02.2012 13:01
abdurashidjon wrote: Is Leva 1980's solution is true? I could not translate to any of a or b. Abdurashid a=1 and b=y.
30.03.2014 21:18
Bye... Sayantan...
25.02.2016 18:15
Claim. There is a natural number b such that b^2=b+1 \pmod{m}. Proof of Claim. As m is an odd number, it suffices to find a b that (2b-1)^2 \equiv 5 \pmod{m} Set m=\prod_{i=1}^k p^{e_i}_i. For each p_i, as (2k)^2 \equiv 5 \pmod{p_i}, we have \left( \frac{5}{p} \right)=1. Now there exists an x such that x^2 \equiv 5 \pmod{p_i} for each i. By Hensel's lemma on f(x)=x^2-5, we can see that there exists an x that x^2 \equiv 5 \pmod{p^{e_i}_i}. By CRT, we can ensure that there exists an x that x^2 \equiv 5 \pmod{m}, and we conclude. Now set x_0=1 and x_1=b. Then x_n \equiv b^n \pmod{m}, so (x_n,m)=1 as desired.
20.08.2018 02:56
umm... isn't this just a=2,b=2k+1? Take any prime p that divides 4k^2-5 then (2k)^2 \equiv 5 (mod p) using characteristic polynomials, we get x_n \equiv 2*(\frac{1+2k}{2})^n (mod p) since p is odd and obviously 2k is not -1(modp) so x_n coprime to p so it is also coprime to 4k^2-5 for all n.
21.11.2019 07:35
Solution: We can take a=1, b=2k^2+k-2. Lemma: If we consider the sequence x_1=1, x_2=s, x_n=x_{n-1}+x_{n-2} then all terms of x_n are co-prime to s^2-s-1. Proof: Any term of x_n is in the form sF_r+F_{r-1}. Now, note that F_r^2(s^2-s-1)-(sF_r+F_{r-1})(sF_r-F_{r+1})=F_{r-1}F_{r+1}-F_r^2 which is always of the form \pm 1 by Cassini's identity, thus any x_n is coprime to s^2-s-1. If we put s=2k^2+k-2 note that (2k^2+k-2)(2k^2+k-3)-1=4k^4+4k^3-9k^2-5k^2+5=(4k^2-5)(k^2+k-1) thus for a=1, b=2k^2+k-2 the terms are always coprime to 4k^2-5. @3below(math_pi_rate): The lemma is not true for p=3
10.04.2020 23:34
Nice problem! Here's a different solution (Hopefully correct!): Let F_n denote the Fibonacci sequence with F_{-1}=1 and F_0=0. It's easy to see (using induction) that x_n=aF_{n-1}+bF_n \quad \forall n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}The crucial lemma is as follows:- LEMMA For all primes p such that 5 is a quadratic residue modulo p, there exists some C \in \mathbb{Z}/ p\mathbb{Z} such that F_n \not \equiv CF_{n-1} \pmod{p}for any n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}. Proof of Claim If p=5, then one can easily check that C=3 works (since in this case, one finds that F_n is periodic modulo 5 with period 4, which is not true). So assume p>5, and suppose the Lemma is not true. Then, for all i \in \mathbb{Z}/ p\mathbb{Z}, there is some index n_i \geq 0 such that F_{n_i} \equiv iF_{n_i-1} \pmod{p}For all such i, let n_i be the smallest such index. Since \left(\frac{5}{p} \right)=1, so there exists some y such that y^2 \equiv 5 \pmod{p}. Then, by Binet's Formula, \begin{align*} F_n &=\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \left(\left(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2} \right)^n-\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2} \right)^n \right) \\ &\equiv \frac{1}{y} \left(\left(\frac{1+y}{2} \right)^n-\left(\frac{1-y}{2} \right)^n \right) \pmod{p} \\ &\equiv \frac{1}{y} \left(\left(\frac{1+y}{2} \right)^{n+p-1}-\left(\frac{1-y}{2} \right)^{n+p-1} \right) \pmod{p} \\ &\equiv F_{n+p-1} \pmod{p} \\ \end{align*}which means that F_n is periodic modulo p, with its period T dividing p-1. In particular, this gives that F_{n+T}=F_n for some 1 \leq T \leq p-1. Since n_0,n_1, \dots ,n_{p-1} are the smallest indices by definition, so due to periodicity after p-1 indices, we get 0 \leq n_i \leq p-2. But then, by Pigeonhole Principle, two of these indices must coincide. Suppose n_i=n_j with i<j. Then we get jF_{n_i-1}=jF_{n_j-1} \equiv F_{n_j} \equiv F_{n_i} \equiv iF_{n_i-1} \pmod{p} \Rightarrow (j-i)F_{n_i-1} \equiv 0 \pmod{p}As 0<j-i<p, so we have p \mid F_{n_i-1} \Rightarrow F_{n_i} \equiv iF_{n_i-1} \equiv 0 \pmod{p} \Rightarrow p \mid \gcd(F_{n_i},F_{n_i-1})However, this contradicts the well known fact that \gcd(F_r,F_{r-1})=1 for all r \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\}. Thus, we have a contradiction, proving the Lemma. \Box Return to the problem at hand. Let p_1,p_2, \dots, p_s be all distinct prime divisors of m. Then 5 \equiv (2k)^2 \pmod{p_i} gives that 5 is a quadratic residue modulo p_i for all i \in [s]. By our Lemma, there exist constants C_1,C_2, \dots ,C_s such that F_n \not \equiv C_iF_{n-1} \pmod{p_i} \quad \forall n \in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\} \text{ and } i \in [s]Using CRT, there exists an integer Z satisfying Z \equiv C_i \pmod{p_i} \quad \forall i \in [s]Choose b=1 and a>0 with a \equiv -Z \pmod{m}. Then, for all i \in [s], we get x_n=aF_{n-1}+bF_n \equiv F_n-ZF_{n-1} \not \equiv 0 \pmod{p_i} \Rightarrow \gcd(x_n,m)=1 \quad \forall n \geq 0 \text{ } \blacksquare
11.04.2020 02:52
@above your lemma is valid for any p , notice you're not using the fact \left (\frac {5}{p}\right)=1.
11.04.2020 08:55
Al3jandro0000 wrote: @above your lemma is valid for any p , notice you're not using the fact \left (\frac {5}{p}\right)=1. I am using it in the proof of the Lemma while writing \sqrt{5} as y. Note that if 5 was not a quadratic residue, then I would have to work in \mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{5}], and so Fermat's Little Theorem won't be applicable (Lagrange's Theorem gives a higher bound on the order, which isn't compatible with my PHP usage). On the orther hand, there might be a possibility of the Lemma being true for all primes. I wonder if someone can prove/disprove that?
13.04.2020 12:55
13.04.2020 14:54
Tbh I don't think the Lemma is true always (In fact, one can easily check that it fails for p=3). However, it can be interesting to determine for what values of p it works. Here are some comments PMed to me by Superguy (I haven't read it thoroughly, but it seems ok at first glance). Superguy in First PM wrote: Okay so far I have approached problem a bit. First of all I have neglected the F_{-1} part which won't change much of the proof Assume ftsoc that there doesn't exist such a C By considering the group \mathbb{Z}[\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}] we can see that if \left (\frac {5}{p}\right)=-1 then p is a prime in \mathbb{Z}[\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}] Now using some tricks u can get that a^{(p+1)}\equiv -1 \pmod{p} where a is golden ratio. Using this u can easily get F_{n+p+1}\equiv -F_{n}\pmod{p} We get that period is atmost 2p+2 So considering the sets (F_{1},F_{2},.....F_{p+1}) and (F_{p+2},F_{p+3}......F_{2p+2}) and using the minimal index notation one can see that 2\leq n_{i}\leq p+1 This means that there should be p i's given by p n_{i}'s which implies each member of first set should give a separate i For instance in case of p=3 clearly no such constant exists while in the case p=17 we clearly have a constant as F_{9}\equiv F_{18}\equiv 0\pmod{17} Edit:See below for a bit more detailed explanation. Superguy in Second PM wrote: Hmm a bit more So clearly there should not be any index 0<i<p+1 such that p|F_{i} otherwise we can get our constant from above argument. Now assuming for no such index F_{i} is multiple of p. Hence all (\frac{F_{i}}{F_{i-1}}) are uniquely defined modulo p Now assuming that two of them are congruent then \frac{F_{i}}{F_{i-1}}\equiv \frac{F_{m}}{F_{m-1}}\pmod{p} for some m>i Now manipulating terms we get (\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{1-\sqrt{5}})^{m-j}\equiv 1\pmod{p}. Now clearly we can show that order divides 2(p+1) and hence if order is less than (p+1) then we can clearly get (m,j) and thus our desired constant however in case order is equal to 2(p+1) or (p+1) we can't get our desired constant. Others can comment on this if they find something interesting
13.04.2020 15:50
Well last part can be reduced to the fact that such a constant exists only if F_{p+1} doesn't has a primitive prime divisor as p which I don't think is possible to prove. For instance after p=3 next such prime for which no such constant exists is p=7 followed by p=23
07.08.2020 09:16
Lemma. If p is a prime such that p|4k^2-5 then we can pick a,b such that for all N\in\mathbb N we have p\nmid x_n. Proof. CASE I: p=5. It suffices to take a=1 and b=3 CASE II: p\neq 5 Now let F_0=0, F_1=1 and F_n be the n^{th} Fibonacci number. It is easy to show that x_{n+2}=F_{n+1}a+F_nbCLAIM 1. F_p\equiv 1\pmod p Proof. Using the general term formular for Fibonacci sequence, \begin{align*} F_p&=\frac{1}{\sqrt 5}\left(\left(\frac{1+\sqrt 5}{2}\right)^p-\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^p\right)\\ &=\frac{2}{2^p\sqrt 5}(\sum_{i=0}^{\frac{p-1}{2}}\sqrt 5\binom{p}{2i+1}5^i)\\ &\equiv\frac{1}{2^{p-1}}5^{\frac{p-1}{2}}\\ &\equiv5^{\frac{p-1}{2}} \pmod{p} \end{align*}The first equivalence follows from p|\binom{p}{2i+1} for all 1\leq i\leq \frac{p-3}{2}The last equvialence follow from p\neq 2 and Fermat little theorem. Now notice that p|4k^2-5, hence by Euler's criterion we have 5^{\frac{p-1}{2}}\equiv \left(\frac{5}{p}\right)=1\pmod pThis proves CLAIM 1. \blacksquare CLAIM 2. F_{p-1}\equiv 0\pmod p Proof. The proof is similar to CLAIM 1. Again, using the general term formula for Fibonacci sequence, \begin{align*} F_{p-1}&=\frac{1}{\sqrt 5}\left(\left(\frac{1+\sqrt 5}{2}\right)^{p-1}-\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\right)^{p-1}\right)\\ &=\frac{1}{2^{p-2}}\sum_{i=1}^{\frac{p-3}{2}}\binom{p-1}{2i+1}5^i \end{align*}Notice that \binom{p-1}{2i+1}=\frac{(p-1)!}{(2i+1)!(p-2i+1)!}\equiv \frac{(p-1)!}{(-1)^{2i+1}(p-1)!}\equiv -1\pmod pHence F_{p-1}\equiv -\frac{1}{2^{p-2}}\sum_{i=1}^{\frac{p-3}{2}}5^i=-\frac{5^{\frac{p-1}{2}}-1}{4\cdot 2^{p-2}}\equiv 0\pmod p\blacksquare Now this implies that x_{n+p-1}\equiv x_n \pmod p for all n\in\mathbb N. We now take a=1. It suffices to find b which satisfies F_{i+1}+F_ib\not\equiv 0\pmod pfor all 0\leq i\leq p-2. Notice that there exists at most 1 b which satisfies F_{i+1}+F_ib\equiv 0\pmod pSince there are only p-1 incongruences, each of which eliminates at most 1 chocie of b, together with the fact that there are p residue classes modulo p, which gives p choices for b, we conclude that we can always pick such p. This proves the lemma. \blacksquare Now let p_1,...,p_n be the prime factors of m. Then from the lemma for each i we can pick a_i and b_i so that the sequence defined by x_0=a_i, x_1=b_i and x_{n+2}=x_{n+1}+x_nhas all its terms relatively prime to p_i. Now by Chinese Remanider Theorem there exists integers a and b satisfying a\equiv a_i\pmod{p_i}b\equiv b_i\pmod{p_i}Now by taking this a and b the proof is completed.
16.02.2021 13:00
By CRT, it suffices to show the problem for p\mid 4k^2-5 where p is a prime. Note that x_n = F_{n-1}a + F_n b,and since (\tfrac{5}{p})=1, we have that F_{n+p-1}\equiv F_n\pmod{p} by Binet's thereom and Fermat's little theorem. Let t be the smallest positive integer such that p\mid F_t, so t is the order of \tfrac{1+\sqrt{5}}{1-\sqrt{5}} mod p, so t\mid p-1. Now, if t\nmid n, then \tfrac{F_{n-1}}{F_n} can take at most t-1 values (since it repeats mod t), so it takes at most p-2 values, so there is some nonzero value mod p it never achieves. Let this value be c. Take a=1, b\equiv -c\pmod{p}. Then, x_n = F_{n-1}a + F_n b\equiv F_{n-1}-F_nc\pmod{p}.If t\mid n, then F_n\equiv 0\pmod{p} and F_{n-1}\not\equiv 0\pmod{p} (else p\mid F_m for all m which is not true), so p\nmid x_n. If t\nmid n, then F_n\not\equiv 0\pmod{p}, so this is never 0 by the selection of c. Thus, these values of a and b yield all x_n relatively prime to p, as desired.
28.08.2021 11:57
Note that x_n = F_{n-1}a + F_n b,Claim: There is a natural number b such that b^2=b+1 \pmod{m} Proof: We need (2b-1)^2 \equiv 5 \pmod m i.e 5 is a quadratic residue modulo m Suppose that m=\prod_{i=1}^{x} {p_i}^{e_i} By Hensel's Lemma,we can assure that each congruence has a solution and we can conclude by CRT.(here f'(x)=8b-4,and clearly we can choose such an b s.t p \nmid 8b-4 to get a solution.) Now choose a=1 and clearly x^n \equiv b^n \neq 0 \pmod m and \gcd(x_n,m)=1(by induction.
22.09.2021 15:14
28.05.2022 19:45
Is this right? This seems like a troll solution. It's sufficient to construct a sequence mod all primes p dividing 4k^2-5, then combine them using CRT. If p \mid 4k^2-5, then p is odd and 5 is a quadratic residue \!\!\!\mod p. Let a=1, and choose b such that (2b-1)^2 \equiv 5 \pmod{p}. It's easy to check that this condition forces \frac{x_4}{x_3}=\frac{3b+2}{2b+1}=b=\frac{x_1}{x_0} \pmod{p} if x_3 is nonzero \!\!\!\mod{p}. Now, we check that x_1,x_2,x_3 \not\equiv 0 \pmod{p}: If x_1=b \equiv 0 \pmod{p}, then (2b-1)^2 \equiv 1 \equiv 5 \pmod{p}, so p=2, a contradiction. If x_2=b+1 \equiv 0 \pmod{p}, then (2b-1)^2 \equiv 9 \equiv 5 \pmod{p}, so p=2, a contradiction. If x_3=2b+1 \equiv 0 \pmod{p}, then (2b-1)^2 \equiv 4 \equiv 5 \pmod{p}, so there are no choices of p, a contradiction. Since \frac{x_3}{x_0} \equiv \frac{x_4}{x_1} \pmod{p}, we know that \frac{x_{n+3}}{x_n} \equiv \frac{x_3}{x_0} \pmod{p}. Therefore, we can write x_n=x_i \cdot \left(\frac{x_3}{x_0}\right)^{\left\lfloor \frac{n}{3} \right\rfloor}, where i \in \{0,1,2\}. This is nonzero \!\!\!\mod{p}, so we are done.
28.05.2022 21:54
Let p be a prime and p|m. Note p is odd. Let a\equiv 1\pmod{p} and b\equiv k+2^{-1}\pmod{p}. Assume towards a contradiction b\equiv 0\pmod{p}. Then, 2k\equiv -1\pmod{p}. Then, 5\equiv 4k^2\equiv 1\pmod{p}, so p|4, so p=2, a contradiction. We have b^2\equiv k^2+k+2^{-2}\equiv 2^{-2}(4k^2+4k+1)\equiv 2^{-2}(5+4k+1)\equiv 2^{-1}(2k+3)\equiv k+2^{-1}+1\equiv b+1\pmod{p}. We claim x_n\equiv b^n\pmod{p}. We will prove it with induction with n=0, 1 as the base case. We have x_n\equiv x_{n-1}+x_{n-2}\equiv b^{n-1}+b^{n-2}\equiv b^{n-2}(b+1)\equiv b^n\pmod{p}.So, since b\not \equiv 0\pmod{p}, none of the x_n are equivalent to 0\pmod{p}. Thus the whole sequence is relatively prime for p. So, for each prime p|m, there exists a residue b_p such that when x_0\equiv 1\pmod{p} and x_1\equiv b_p\pmod{p}, x_i is never a multiple of p. By the Chinese Remainder Theorem, there exists B such that B\equiv b_p\pmod{p} for all p|m. When a=1 and b=B, the sequence will always be relatively prime to m.
15.03.2023 22:23
Let a=1 and b=2k^2+k-2. (2k+k-2)^2-(2k+k-2)-1=(4k^2-5)(k^2-k-1) \implies (2k+k-2)^2 \equiv (2k+k-2)+1 \pmod{m} \implies 2k^2+k-2 \perp m \text{ and } x_n \equiv (2k^2+k-2)^n \pmod{m}.~\blacksquare
15.03.2023 22:30
Ok so the motivation of the above solution comes from the fact that for each prime p dividing m we can write \sqrt{5} \equiv 2k and the recursion can be characterized as usual in the form x_n \equiv x\left(\frac{1+2k}{2}\right)^n+y\left(\frac{1-2k}{2}\right)^nand it clearly necessary that all of these should be nonzero mod p (in fact by CRT it is also sufficient, so we've reduced the problem to this). The best way to deal with this is to do the stupidest thing possible and set y=0 which yields (after adding 4k^2-5) the above solution.
23.05.2023 01:43
Note that 5 is always a quadratic residue of any p\mid m. Let (2k-1)^2\equiv 5\pmod p then p\mid k^2-k-1. Then pick a=1, b\equiv k\pmod p, and we see that x_n\equiv k^n\pmod p and by CRT we're done.
24.06.2023 05:48
We show that for each prime divisor p of m, we can find some a_p and b_p so that \left(x_n\right) has all its terms nonzero modulo p. Let p be a prime divisor of m. If 5 is a prime divisor of m and p=5, we take a_5=1 and b_5=3. Then \left(x_n\right) repeats 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3,\dots modulo 5, with all terms being nonzero.
We have \alpha^2\equiv \frac{1+4k+4k^2}{4}\equiv \frac{6+4k}{4}\equiv \frac{3+2k}{2}\equiv \alpha + 1This also implies \alpha\not\equiv 0. Now, let a_p\equiv 1 and b_p\equiv \alpha. We claim by induction that x_n\equiv \alpha^n. We have the base cases n=0 and n=1 already. Then for the induction step, we have for n\geq 2 that x_n\equiv x_{n-1}+x_{n-2}\equiv \alpha^{n-1}+\alpha^{n-2}\equiv \alpha^{n-2}(\alpha+1)\equiv \alpha^{n-2}\alpha^2\equiv \alpha^nwhich completes the induction. Then, since \alpha\not\equiv 0, all terms of \left(x_n\right) are nonzero modulo p. Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can guarantee the existence of a and b such that a\equiv a_p\pmod{p} and b\equiv b_p\pmod{p} for all prime divisors p of m. This guarantees that \left(x_n\right) will have all its terms not divisible by any prime divisor of m, and thus relatively prime to m.
14.12.2023 08:52
An alternative continuation after the x_n = x(\frac{1+k}{2})^n + y(\frac{1-k}{2})^n construction: There are at most p-1 possible unique modulo p pairs for ((\frac{1+k}{2})^n,(\frac{1-k}{2})^n) Each pair eliminates at most p different potential pairs (x,y) We are done as there must be at least one pair leftover