
Source: 2024 IRN-SGP-TWN Friendly Math Competition P3

Tags: algebra

Let $N$ be a positive integer. Let $R$ denote the smallest positive number that is the sum of $m$ terms $\sum^m_{i=1}{\pm \sqrt{a_i}}$, where each $a_i, i=1,\cdots, m$ is an integer not larger than $N$. Prove that \[R\le C\cdot N^{-m+\frac{3}{2}}\]for some positive real number $C$. Proposed by Navid (Clarification: note that the constant is allowed to depend on $m$ but should be independent of $N$, i.e. the equation $R(m,N)\le C(m)\cdot N^{-m+\frac{3}{2}}$ should hold for all positive integers $N$)