Turbo the snail plays a game on a board with $2024$ rows and $2023$ columns. There are hidden monsters in $2022$ of the cells. Initially, Turbo does not know where any of the monsters are, but he knows that there is exactly one monster in each row except the first row and the last row, and that each column contains at most one monster. Turbo makes a series of attempts to go from the first row to the last row. On each attempt, he chooses to start on any cell in the first row, then repeatedly moves to an adjacent cell sharing a common side. (He is allowed to return to a previously visited cell.) If he reaches a cell with a monster, his attempt ends and he is transported back to the first row to start a new attempt. The monsters do not move, and Turbo remembers whether or not each cell he has visited contains a monster. If he reaches any cell in the last row, his attempt ends and the game is over. Determine the minimum value of $n$ for which Turbo has a strategy that guarantees reaching the last row on the $n$-th attempt or earlier, regardless of the locations of the monsters. Proposed by Cheuk Hei Chu, Hong Kong
Source: IMO 2024/5
Tags: combinatorics, troll, IMO 2024, IMO, Combinatorial games, ilostthegame, turbotheskibi
17.07.2024 15:56
. This was initially proposed to our Test 1, which is very easy, but our coach told him to propose it IMO instead, resulting in most of our team being trolled by it.
17.07.2024 16:01
Could you please spoiler the answer? This is the first place that many people are going to see the question, and putting the answer right there completely robs them of the experience. (I'm not a fan of the title either.)
17.07.2024 16:16
17.07.2024 16:21
Buh ?
17.07.2024 16:27
This must be the most troll problem ever, even more troll than APMO 2019 P4.
17.07.2024 16:33
17.07.2024 16:34
Not suitable for IMO. No mathematical beauty. WHAT IS THE PSC DOING???
17.07.2024 16:37
second year in a row guessing the answer to a p5 combi wrong and completely failing it!!!!!!
17.07.2024 16:39
This problem is a cook. The title should be changed, it is not inadequate
17.07.2024 16:50
Notably, the fifth problem of this IMO is the same as the fifth round of Squid Game, which is this problem on a $37\times2$ grid with one monster in every other row.
17.07.2024 17:08
The answer is $3$. Renumber the rows to start with $0$, so the first row with monsters is row $1$. Impose a coordinate system $(\text{row},\text{col})$ in the obvious way. To see that at least $3$ attempts are required, suppose that Turbo first move out of the zeroth row is onto $(1,n)$. It could be the case that he encounters a monster there. In this case, if Turbo could win for $n=2$ then his next attempt must remain within either row $1$ or column $n$, since he could bump into another monster the instant he steps out. But since $(1,n)$ is occupied this is clearly impossible. For a strategy for at least $3$ attempts, Turbo moves onto $(1,2)$ and then moves right until $(1,2022)$. If he encounters a monster on $(1,n)$, then his next attempts are $(0,n-1) \to (1,n-1) \to (2,n-1) \to (2,n) \to (2023,n)$ and $(0,n+1) \to (1,n+1) \to (2,n+1) \to (2,n) \to (2023,n)$, and one of these must work. Otherwise Turbo moves onto $(1,1)$ and then $(1,2023)$ if possible; one of these must have a monster on it; WLOG $(1,1)$ since both actually give the same amount of information. Turbo's next move repeats the following procedure for $k=2,3,\ldots$: he moves onto $(k,k+1)$, then moves rightwards until $(k,2023)$. If Turbo doesn't encounter a monster during the process for $k$, then he gains the knowledge that there must be a monster on $(k,k)$ since there's nowhere else for it to go (by induction). If Turbo encounters a monster at some point, then he knows that there is no monster on $(k,k)$, but a monster on $(k-1,k-1)$. Then on his third and final attempt he can move to $(k,k) \to (k,k-1) \to (2023,k-1)$. If Turbo never encounters a monster then he eventually ends up on $(2022,2023)$, and can win by moving down. $\blacksquare$
17.07.2024 17:13
Rough writeup because I'm retired. Cute problem but idk what the committee was thinking Strategy. We want a strategy that works in the 'worst case'. So start by assuming we hit a monster in Row 1 (start on leftmost cell, move right until we get the monster). Case 1. Hit it at the first or last cell. WLOG say monster at (1, 1). Then ideally we'd start at (2, 1), and we could try to go around it with (2, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3), and straight up to the top.Worst case we then hit a monster at one of (2, 2) or (2, 3). If we hit it at (2, 2), we keep having the problem of needing to take right steps and going up. So let's preempt that loop by just trying that strategy: we go (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2), etc. Worst case this fails at some step. If the step was an upward step, then we now have a cleared row so we can go back along to the original monster's column and go up, done. If the step was a rightward step, then we can retrace our steps until we are again beside the monster, but then go along that row until the column of the first monster. Go up, done Case 2. Hit it somewhere in the middle. We try go around it on the right as before, if this fails we can just go in the other direction and it works. This works in 3 moves. Optimal. To see 3 is optimal, suppose we start at (k, 1). We place a monster at (k, 1). That's one attempt gone. Then they must go upwards at some point, and they only know a monster cannot be at column k, so when they eventually do move up to (l, 2), we can have placed a monster there already.
17.07.2024 18:05
OMGGG that's my problem... Sorry for trolling y'all More about the backstory in a bit..
Anyways hope everyone still enjoyed the problem nevertheless : ) ps i think this broke the record for imo problem with the most words wow pps turbo beats ai (at least for now) letsgoooooo
17.07.2024 18:09
Don't be! It is enjoyable and fun (tho yeah...)
17.07.2024 18:14
carefully wrote: This must be the most troll problem ever, even more troll than APMO 2019 P4. Hard to beat IMO 2010/5.
17.07.2024 18:29
The answer is $\boxed{n=3}$. Claim: $n\geq 3$. Proof. It is easy to see that $n=1$ does not guarantee victory: There may be a monster hiding in any cell in the second row, and if the first cell in the second row we move to has a monster, then the attempt is over. To see why $n=2$ does not guarantee victory, suppose we failed in our first attempt by falling victim to the monster at $(2, i)$ for some $i\in[1, 2023]$. Hence, the second row except the cell $(2, i)$ is now safe. The safe $(3, i)$ cell is inaccessible from here, and any accessible cell in the third row may hide a monster in it. The first cell in the third row we move to could contain a monster, and that would end the attempt there. $\blacksquare$ We proceed to show that $n=3$ is sufficient. Use the first attempt to scan the second row. Case 1: The monster in the second row is at $(2, 1)$ or $(2, 2023)$. WLOG, say it is hiding in the cell $(2, 1)$. In our second attempt, we go along the path $$(1,2)\to(2,2)\to(2,3)\to\text{P}\to(2024,2023)$$where a 'staircase' path $\text{P}$ is defined by $$(3,3)\to(3,4)\to(4,4)\to(4,5)\to\cdots\to(2022,2023)\to(2023,2023).$$If path $\text{P}$ is safe, then we are done. Otherwise, suppose we encounter a monster in path $\text{P}$ at $(k,k)$ or $(k,k+1)$ for some $k\in[3,2023]$. Either way, in our third attempt, we first go along the path $$(1,2)\to(2,2)\to(2,3)\to\cdots\to(k-1,k-1)\to(k,k-1)$$and then along the path $$(k,k-1)\to(k,k-2)\to\cdots\to(k,1)\to(k+1,1)\cdots\to(2024,1),$$which finishes the game. Case 2: The monster in the second row is at $(2,i)$ where $i\in[2,2022]$. Define paths $\text{P}_1$ and $\text{P}_2$ as $$(1,i-1)\to(2,i-1)\to(3,i-1)\to(3,i)\to(4,i)\to(2024,i)$$and $$(1,i+1)\to(2,i+1)\to(3,i+1)\to(3,i)\to(4,i)\to(2024,i)$$respectively. Notice that only one of the two cells $(3, i-1)$ and $(3,i+1)$ may hide a monster. Consider the worst-case scenario, where one of them indeed does. WLOG, suppose we go along path $\text{P}_1$ in our second attempt and encounter a monster. Then $\text{P}_2$ must be safe, and we go along $\text{P}_2$ in our third attempt to finish. $\blacksquare$
17.07.2024 18:41
I'm getting PTSD
17.07.2024 18:44
The answer is $3$ for every $(m+1,m)$ board, where $m\ge 3$. First prove that Turbo can't win in $2$ steps. Let the first step Turbo steps into the second row and the first step into the third row be a monster. Then we will give a strategy. Let $(i,j)$ be the $i$th row and the $j$th column. First, Turbo will explore $(2,2),(2,3),...,(2,m-1)$. If there is a monster at $(2,j)$, WLOG $j < m-1$, then explore $(3,j-1)$, if being safe then go back to column $j$, otherwise go to $(3,j+1)$ and turn left to $(3,j)$. Moving down then the problem is done. Thus assuming that $(2,2),(2,3),...,(2,m-1)$ are safe. Next Turbo will explore $(3,2),(3,3),...,(3,m-1)$. Case 1: If there exists a monster at $(3,3),...,(3,m-2)$, in the same way we are done. Case 2: If there exists no monster, then explore $(4,2),(4,3),...,(4,m-1)$. There must exist a monster because the first and $m$'th column's monsters hide in row $2$ and $3$. Grids $(4,2),(4,m-1)$ can't be both monsters, choose a safe one to turn into $(4,1)$ or $(4,m)$ and moves down, by that may we are down. Case 3: So the only case is that there exists a monster in $(3,2)$ WLOG. Then Turbo will explore $(2,m)$, if existing monsters then move from $(3,3)$ to $(3,m)$ and moves down. Then explore $(4,4),..,(4,m),(5,5),...,(5,m),...,(m,m)$ row by row. If all are safe then move to $(m+1,m)$. Otherwise there exists a monster at $(i,j),4\le i \le j \le m$, then first go to $(i-1,i-1)$ as it's safe, then move to $(i,i-1)$ as row $i$th monster has been found. Move to $(i,2)$ next, then moving down.$\blacksquare$
17.07.2024 20:15
The biggest disappointment I've seen in imo...
22.07.2024 16:06
andychang wrote: See
Seems like we should add another definition to that entry.
22.07.2024 21:55
Neat problem!
23.07.2024 13:27
EthanWYX2009 wrote: My main question is: Does anyone know who translated the problems? Because seems like in other languages it is "Turbo the snail", but in Chinese version, it is wrote as "Mr Beans", making the problem even more funny Team leaders do the translations.
23.07.2024 13:51
I've added some extended comments in https://aops.com/community/p31218951 (post #4) about some partial classification on the space of possible algorithms to this problem.
25.07.2024 08:28
Goofy problem. We claim the answer is $\boxed{\bf{n = 3}}$. $\underline{\text{Construction}}$ Index the rows ${1, 2, \dots, 2022}$ (Turbo starts in row 0) and the columns ${1, 2, \dots, 2023}$. We denote a cell by $(\text{row}, \text{column})$. The idea is to locate the monster in the first row; then, if Turbo can get into the same column past it, he can move straight forward and win. On the first attempt, Turbo enters the first row at $(1, 1)$ and moves right, scanning the whole first row until he finds the monster. Let the monster be in cell $(1, m)$. If $m \notin \{1, 2023\}$, Turbo tries to go from $(1, m-1) \rightarrow (2, m-1) \rightarrow (2, m)$ and forward. The only way this could fail is if there is a monster in $(2, m-1)$; then, there is not a monster in $(2, m+1)$ so Turbo goes from $(1, m+1) \rightarrow (2, m+1) \rightarrow (2, m)$ and forward to win on attempt 3. The other case is where the monster in the first row is on the end, i.e. $m \in \{1, 2023\}$. WLOG, $m = 1$ by symmetry. Turbo can now win by attempting the silly zigzag path $(1, 2) \rightarrow (1, 3) \rightarrow (2, 3) \rightarrow (2, 4) \rightarrow (3, 4) \dots (2021, 2022) \rightarrow (2021, 2023) \rightarrow (2022, 2023)$ and forward to win. If Turbo encounters a monster while going from $(n-1, n+1)$ to $(n, n+1)$, then he knows the $n$th row is clear to the left, so he can repeat the zigzag but instead go from $(n-1, n)$ to $(n, n)$, left to the first column (since the $n$th row is clear), and forward to win on attempt 3. Similarly, if Turbo encounters a monster while going right from $(n, n+1)$ to $(n, n+2)$, repeat the same path but instead go from $(n, n+1)$ left to $(n, 1)$ and forward to win on attempt 3. $\underline{\text{Necessity}}$ It suffices to show there is a configuration of monsters where Turbo fails on the second attempt. Suppose Turbo begins his first attempt by going to $(1, x)$. There exists a configuration with a monster in $(1, x)$, so it's possible for Turbo to hit a monster immediately. If so, all rows except the first are unknown. In particular, Turbo has no knowledge about the location of the monster in the second row besides the fact that it's not in the $x$th column. Now consider his next attempt. Suppose the first cell Turbo touches which is not in the first row is $(2, y)$. It follows that $x \neq y$ because the monster on $(1, x)$ blocks a direct path to $(2, x)$. For all $1 \leq x, y \leq 2023$ with $x \neq y$, there exists some configuration with monsters in $(1, x)$ and $(2, y)$. Therefore it's always possible for Turbo to die immediately upon entering both the first and second rows, regardless of his strategy. So $n = 2$ is impossible.
25.07.2024 14:29
Easy, solved it in 3 tries
26.07.2024 05:40
I initially thought the answer was O(log n), but then my friend reminded me that this is a high school math competition. That's when I realized the answer had to be a constant, and I solved it in five minutes.
26.07.2024 17:22
Actually, log n bound also appears frequently in IMO (for example, see IMO 2023/5)
26.07.2024 22:21
note that n=2 doesn't work, since the first time the snail enters the second row, it could hit a monster, and then the first time it enters the third row, it could hit another monster n=3 works

02.08.2024 00:23
The answer is $3$. A death on the first row is unavoidable, and after that happens, a death on the second row is also unavoidable, as Turbo must enter the second row on a column that has not had a monster yet. Thus at least $3$ attempts are needed. The strategy is as follows. Take a death on the first row (e.g. by trying to visit every cell). If the monster on the first row is not on the edge, then try to go to the cell beneath it from both directions, at least one will succeed, thus winning in at most $3$ attempts. Now, assume WLOG that the leftmost cell has the monster (it is actually symmetric to the right since Turbo knows where the monster is). Call the $k$th row good if it has a monster on the $k$th cell. We know that the first row is good. Main Claim: For $1\leq n\leq 2022$, If Turbo knows that the first $n$ rows are all good, Turbo can employ a strategy to either die on row $n+1$ and win on the next attempt, or learn that row $n+1$ is also good without dying. Turbo can simply visit cells $n+2$ through $2023$ of row $n+1$. If the row is not good, then he dies, but he can win on the next attempt by going back there and using cell $(n+1,n+1)$ to sneak under row $n$'s monster and win. Otherwise, he does not die and learns that row $n+1$ is also good. Thus, by employing this strategy, if any row is not good, Turbo will die on the first non-good row and win on the third attempt. Otherwise, if all rows are good, he does not die at all during this process, and wins on his second attempt.
06.08.2024 19:33
Wow, just took 10 mins to solve
21.08.2024 04:11
By: mathismyfriend24 According to my foremost calculations, The answer is n = 3. Solution First we demonstrate that there is no winning strategy if Turbo has 2 attempts. Suppose that (2, i) is the first cell in the second row that Turbo reaches on his first attempt. There can be a monster in this cell, in which case Turbo must return to the first row immediately, and he cannot have reached any other cells past the first row. Next, suppose that (3, j) is the first cell in the third row that Turbo reaches on his second attempt. Turbo must have moved to this cell from (2, j), so we know j ≠ i. So it is possible that there is a monster on (3,j ), in which case Turbo also fails on his second attempt. Therefore Turbo cannot guarantee to reach the last row in 2 attempts. Next, we exhibit a strategy for n = 3. On the first attempt, Turbo travels along the path (1,1) (2,1) (2, 2) ... (2, 2023). This path meets every cell in the second row, so Turbo will find the monster in row 2 and his attempt will end. If the monster in the second row is not on the edge of the board (that is, it is in cell (2, i) with 2<= i <=2022), then Turbo takes the following two paths in his second and third attempts: (1, i - 1) (2, i -1) (3, i -1) Ñ(3, i) (4, i) …. (2024, i). (1, i -1) (2, i -1) (3, i - 1) (3, i) (4, i) …. (2024, i). The only cells that may contain monsters in either of these paths are (3, i -1) and (3, i -1). At most one of these can contain a monster, so at least one of the two paths will be successful. In conclusion, the final answer is n=3. (FYI, 2022 is the largest value of n) btw, Ñ is an arrow.
29.08.2024 17:40
27.09.2024 08:32
The answer is three (which is not enough in my opinion). To show that Turbo cannot win in two attempts, simply kill Turbo when he moves onto the second row, then kill Turbo again when he moves onto the third row (necessarily in a different column). To show that Turbo can always win in three attempts, first locate the monster in the second row, killing Turbo once in the process. If the monster is not on either of the board's edges, then move to one of the cells diagonally below where the monster is; since both of the aforementioned cells cannot be occupied by monsters, Turbo dies at most once here, and hence he can move to the column below the first monster and proceed to win. [asy][asy] unitsize(0.75cm); int cols = 9; for(int i = 1; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((i, 1) -- (i, cols),grey); } draw((0, 1) -- (0, cols)); draw((cols, 1) -- (cols, cols)); for(int i = 2; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((0, i) -- (cols, i),grey); } draw((0, 1) -- (cols, 1)); draw((0, cols) -- (cols, cols)); filldraw((0,1)--(0,0)--(cols,0)--(cols,1)--cycle,invisible,black); filldraw((0,cols)--(0,cols+1)--(cols,cols+1)--(cols,cols)--cycle,invisible,black); label((3.5, cols-0.5),scale(1.5)*"$\times$",red); label((2.5, cols-1.5),scale(1.5)*"$\times$",red); // filldraw((4,cols-2)--(5,cols-2)--(5,cols-1)--(4,cols-1)--cycle,palegreen,grey); draw((2.5,cols+0.5)--(2.5,cols-1.3),blue+linewidth(1.2),EndArrow(TeXHead)); draw((4.5,cols+0.5)--(4.5,cols-1.5)--(3.5,cols-1.5)--(3.5,0.5),blue+linewidth(1.2),EndArrow(TeXHead)); [/asy][/asy]Otherwise, move Turbo in the following "staircase" (mirrored if the monster is on the other side): [asy][asy] unitsize(0.75cm); int cols = 9; for(int i = 1; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((i, 1) -- (i, cols),grey); } draw((0, 1) -- (0, cols)); draw((cols, 1) -- (cols, cols)); for(int i = 2; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((0, i) -- (cols, i),grey); } draw((0, 1) -- (cols, 1)); draw((0, cols) -- (cols, cols)); filldraw((0,1)--(0,0)--(cols,0)--(cols,1)--cycle,invisible,black); filldraw((0,cols)--(0,cols+1)--(cols,cols+1)--(cols,cols)--cycle,invisible,black); label((0.5,cols-0.5),scale(1.5)*"$\times$",red); draw((1.5,cols+0.5)--(1.5,cols-1.5)--(2.5,cols-1.5)--(2.5,cols-2.5)--(3.5,cols-2.5)--(3.5,cols-3.5)--(4.5,cols-3.5)--(4.5,cols-4.5)--(5.5,cols-4.5)--(5.5,cols-5.5)--(6.5,cols-5.5)--(6.5,cols-6.5)--(7.5,cols-6.5)--(7.5,cols-7.5)--(8.5,cols-7.5)--(8.5,cols-8.5),blue+linewidth(1.2),EndArrow(TeXHead)); [/asy][/asy]If Turbo doesn't hit a monster, then he wins; otherwise, perform one of the following manoeuvres depending on the position of the monster relative to the staircase: [asy][asy] unitsize(0.75cm); int cols = 9; for(int i = 1; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((i, 1) -- (i, cols),grey); } draw((0, 1) -- (0, cols)); draw((cols, 1) -- (cols, cols)); for(int i = 2; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((0, i) -- (cols, i),grey); } draw((0, 1) -- (cols, 1)); draw((0, cols) -- (cols, cols)); filldraw((0,1)--(0,0)--(cols,0)--(cols,1)--cycle,invisible,black); filldraw((0,cols)--(0,cols+1)--(cols,cols+1)--(cols,cols)--cycle,invisible,black); label((0.5,cols-0.5),scale(1.5)*"$\times$",red); label((4.5,cols-4.5),scale(1.5)*"$\times$",red); draw((1.5,cols+0.5)--(1.5,cols-1.5)--(2.5,cols-1.5)--(2.5,cols-2.5)--(3.5,cols-2.5)--(3.5,cols-3.5)--(4.5,cols-3.5)--(4.5,cols-4.3),blue+linewidth(1.2),EndArrow(TeXHead)); draw((3.5,cols-3.5)--(3.5,cols-4.5)--(0.5,cols-4.5)--(0.5,0.5),purple+linewidth(1.2),EndArrow(TeXHead)); for(int i = 1; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((i+cols+0.75, 1) -- (i+cols+0.75, cols),grey); } draw((0+cols+0.75, 1) -- (0+cols+0.75, cols)); draw((cols+cols+0.75, 1) -- (cols+cols+0.75, cols)); for(int i = 2; i <= cols - 1; ++i) { draw((0+cols+0.75, i) -- (cols+cols+0.75, i),grey); } draw((0+cols+0.75, 1) -- (cols+cols+0.75, 1)); draw((0+cols+0.75, cols) -- (cols+cols+0.75, cols)); filldraw((0+cols+0.75,1)--(0+cols+0.75,0)--(cols+cols+0.75,0)--(cols+cols+0.75,1)--cycle,invisible,black); filldraw((0+cols+0.75,cols)--(0+cols+0.75,cols+1)--(cols+cols+0.75,cols+1)--(cols+cols+0.75,cols)--cycle,invisible,black); label((0.5+cols+0.75,cols-0.5),scale(1.5)*"$\times$",red); label((5.5+cols+0.75,cols-4.5),scale(1.5)*"$\times$",red); draw((1.5+cols+0.75,cols+0.5)--(1.5+cols+0.75,cols-1.5)--(2.5+cols+0.75,cols-1.5)--(2.5+cols+0.75,cols-2.5)--(3.5+cols+0.75,cols-2.5)--(3.5+cols+0.75,cols-3.5)--(4.5+cols+0.75,cols-3.5)--(4.5+cols+0.75,cols-4.5)--(5.3+cols+0.75,cols-4.5),blue+linewidth(1.2),EndArrow(TeXHead)); draw((4.5+cols+0.75,cols-4.5)--(3.5+cols+0.75,cols-4.5)--(0.5+cols+0.75,cols-4.5)--(0.5+cols+0.75,0.5),purple+linewidth(1.2),EndArrow(TeXHead)); [/asy][/asy]and Turbo wins, as desired.
14.12.2024 13:36
Imagine using a braindead algorithm: there are $2023$ columns and $2022$ monsters. You can try distinct columns until you find the one without any monsters, which would take $2023$ attempts in the worst case. Now imagine a simple algorithm that uses memory: start at column $1$. If you hit a monster, reroute around it while staying as close as possible. If you encounter another monster while rerouting, restart at that column and reroute around the new monster. Repeat until you bypass the connected blob of monsters. A worst-case monster arrangement for this strategy is a diagonal line stretching from the end of column $1$ to the start of column $2022$, with column $2023$ free. This would also require $2023$ attempts. Can we do better? Yes, and here’s how: The simple algorithm requires $n$ steps to find any possible path through $n$ columns but fails because the first $2022$ attempts are tested on impossible column configurations. Note that every impossible configuration consists of monsters arranged in a diagonal line. To improve, consider the following algorithm: First, check the first and last columns. If neither column is the gap, observe that there cannot be a diagonal line stretching from the monster in column $1$ to the monster in column $2023$. This guarantees a possible path through the $2023$ columns. Next, test the middle column. One or both sides of the split cannot form a solid diagonal line, so at least one half contains a valid path. Repeat this process, testing the middle of the remaining side, until the gap is found. Since the number of columns is $n = 2023$, the number of steps required is approximately: \[ 2 \text{ (initial setup)} + \log_2(n) \text{ (halvings)} + 1 \text{ (final check)}. \]For $n = 2023$, $\log_2(2023) \approx 11$, so the total number of steps is: \[ 2 + 11 + 1 = 14. \] This binary search-like algorithm reduces the number of attempts from $2023$ to $14$, providing a significant improvement. i think i can get down to two . visual solution(https://imgur.com/hIRP6QQ ) for 10*9, generalizable to (2n)*(2n-1).