
Source: 3rd National Women's Contest of Mexican Mathematics Olympiad 2024 , level 1+2 p7

Tags: Mexico, quadratics

Consider the quadratic equation \(x^2 + a_0 x + b_0\) for some real numbers \((a_0, b_0)\). Repeat the following procedure as many times as possible: Let \(c_i = \min \{r_i, s_i\}\), with \(r_i, s_i\) being the roots of the equation \(x^2 + a_i x + b_i\). The new equation is written as \(x^2 + b_i x + c_i\). That is, for the next iteration of the procedure, \(a_{i+1} = b_i\) and \(b_{i+1} = c_i\). We say that \((a_0, b_0)\) is an $\textit{interesting}$ pair if, after a finite number of steps, the equation we obtain after one step is the same, so that \((a_i, b_i) = (a_{i+1}, b_{i+1})\). Find all $\textit{interesting}$ pairs.