
Source: 2024 Taiwan TST Round 2 Independent Study 2-G

Tags: geometry

Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $D$ be a point inside triangle $ABC$. $\Gamma$ is the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$, and $DB$, $DC$ meet $\Gamma$ again at $E$, $F$ , respectively. $\Gamma_1$, $\Gamma_2$ are the circumcircles of triangle $ADE$ and $ADF$ respectively. Assume $X$ is on $\Gamma_2$ such that $BX$ is tangent to $\Gamma_2$. Let $BX$ meets $\Gamma$ again at $Z$. Prove that the line $CZ$ is tangent to $\Gamma_1$ . Proposed by HakureiReimu.