Let $a$ and $b$ be distinct positive integers such that $3^a + 2$ is divisible by $3^b + 2$. Prove that $a > b^2$. Proposed by Tynyshbek Anuarbekov, Kazakhstan
Source: BMO 2024 Problem 3
Tags: number theory, Divisibility, Inequality, inequalities
29.04.2024 16:20
a=kb+m. 3^a=(-2)^k*3^m (mod 3^b+2). So 3^b+2 divides 2^(k-1)*3^m+(-1)^k which divides 2^(k-1)*3^b+(-1)^k*3^(b-m). this is equivalent to 3^b+2 divides 2^k-(-1)^k*3(b-m). this is clearly not 0, so it is at least 3^b+2 (since it is at least 2^k-3^b that is bigger than -(3^b+2) since m>=0). from triangle inequality 2^k+3^(b-m)>=3^b+2. If m=0, then either k=1 so a=b contradiction, or k>1, so 2^k>(3^b) so k>b so a>b^2. If m>=1, 2^k>=2*(3^(b-1))+2, which for b>=2 implies k>=b, so a>=b^2+1 and we are done. b=1 is trivial.
29.04.2024 16:46
What ?!!!! Obviously $a>b$ Let $a=bx+y$ where $0\le y\le b-1$ Claim: $x\ge b$ Suppose by contradiction that $x\le b-1$ Then $3^b+2\mid (3^b)^x\cdot 3^y+2$ so $3^b+2\mid (-2)^x\cdot 3^y+2$ so $3^b+2\mid (-2)^x\cdot 3^y-3^b$.Since $b>y$ and $(3,3^b+2)=1$ we have $3^b+2\mid (-2)^x-3^{b-y}$.Divide into cases:(and also note $(-2)^x\neq 3^{b-y}$) Case 1: $x$ even In this case we have $3^b+2\mid 2^x-3^{b-y}$. If $2^x>3^{b-y}$ then $3^b>2^b>2^{b-1}\ge 2^x\ge 3^{b-y}+3^b+2>3^b$ contradiction. If $3^{b-y}>2^x$ then $3^b\ge 3^{b-y}\ge 2^x+3^b+2>3^b$ another contradiction Case 2: $x$ odd then $2^x+3^{b-y}\ge 3^b+2$.If $y>0$ then $2^{b-1}+3^{b-1}\ge 2^x+3^{b-y}\ge 3^b+2$ so $2^{b-1}>2\cdot 3^{b-1}>3^{b-1}\ge 2^{b-1}$ contradiction. Thus we must have $y=0$ i.e $3^b+2\mid 2^x+3^b$ or $3^b+2\mid 2^x-2$.If $x=1$ we have $a=b$; is $x>1$ then $3^b<3^b+2\le 2^x-2<2^x<2^b<3^b$ false $\blacksquare$ By the claim we have $a\ge b^2$ so we must have $a=b^2 $ meaning $3^b+2\mid (-2)^b-3^b$ or $3^b+2\mid (-2)^b+2 $ which by the same boundings as above it fails. We are done !
29.04.2024 17:07
Let's suppose, FTSOC, that $a\leq b^{2}$. Let $a=mb+k$, where $k$ is the remainder when $a$ is divided by $b$. Suppose that $m \leq b$. We have $3^{b}+2|3^{mb+k}+2$, and also $3^{b}+2|3^{mb+k}+2.3^{(m-1)b+k}$. Subtracting these two, we get $3^{b}+2|3^{(m-1)b+k}-1$(we can divide it by $2$, because $3^{b}+2$ is odd. We can continue this process and we get: $3^{b}+2|2.3^{(m-2)b+k}+1$ $3^{b}+2|4.3^{(m-3)b+k}-1$ $3^{b}+2|8.3^{(m-4)b+k}+1$ Well, observing this we can guess that $3^{b}+2|2^{l-1}.3^{(m-l)b+k}+(-1)^{l}$ for $l=1, 2, ..., m$. This easily follows by induction.
Now, when we proved this, take $l=m$. We have $3^{b}+2|2^{m-1}.3^{k}+(-1)^{m}$ Since $a$ and $b$ are distinct, at least one of the following two is not true: $m=1$ and $k=0$, hence $2^{m-1}.3^{k}+(-1)^{m}$ cannot be $0$. Also, $m$ cannot be $0$, because obviously $a>b$. We have 2 cases now: Case 1: $m$ is even. Then we have $3^{b}+2|2^{m-1}.3^{k}+1$ Clearly, $b\geq k$, so we can multiply this by $3^{b-k}$ and we get $3^{b+2}|2^{m-1}.3^{b}+3^{b-k}$. We also have $3^{b}+2|2^{m-1}.3^{b}+2^{m}$ . Subtracting these two, we get $3^{b}+2|3^{b-k}-2^{m}$. This is clearly not $0$, so we have two cases: Case 1.1:$3^{b-k}-2^{m}>0$. But obviously $3^b+2>3^{b-k}-2^{m}$, which is a contradiction. Case 1.2:$3^{b-k}-2^{m}<0$. We have $2^{m}-3^{b-k} \leq 2^{b}-3^{b-k}<3^{b}-3^{b-k}<3^{b}+2$, contradiction! Case 2: $m$ is odd. Then we have $3^{b}+2|2^{m-1}.3^{k}-1$. Similarly to Case 1, we get $3^b+2|3^{b-k}+2^{m}$. Well, this is obviously positive. If $k=0$, we get $3^{b}+2|2^{m-1}-1$. $3^{b}+2>2^{m-1}-1$, so the only option is $2^{m-1}=1$, which implies $m=1$ and $a=b$. So $k \geq 1$. We will prove that $3^{b}+2>3^{b-k}+2^{m} \iff 3^{b}-3^{b-k}>2^{m}-2$, which will be a contradiction. LHS $\geq 3^{b}-3^{b-1}=2.3^{b-1}>2.(2^{b-1}-1)\geq 2.(2^{m-1}-1)=$RHS. Hence we have contradiction with the assumption that $m\leq b$. Hence, $m>b$, and then $a>b^{2}$, as desired. $\blacksquare$ Remark: I saw the problems thirty minutes before they were posted, and immediately started solving this one(because I found it interesting), and I wanted to be the first poster . When I saw they had been posted, I started writing a solution, and, as I don't have much experience with $\LaTeX$, it took me very long to write this post, and in the process, two people posted their solutions(which are similar to mine), but I decided to post it anyway.
29.04.2024 17:18
Way too easy for P3. Here is an alternative with a simpler ending. Let $a=bk+r$ with $0\le r\le b-1$. Then $3^a+2 = 3^{kb+r}+2\equiv (-2)^k 3^r+2\pmod{3^b+2}$. Hence, $3^b+2\mid (-2)^k3^r +2 - 3^b-2 = 3^r\left((-2)^k -3^{b-r}\right)$. Since $3^b+2$ and $3^r$ are coprime, we thus arrive at \[ 3^b+2\mid (-2)^k -3^{b-r}. \]Notice that since $b-r\ge 1$, $(-2)^k-3^{b-r}$ is never zero. Suppose first $k$ is even. Then, $3^b+2\mid 2^k-3^{b-r}$. This immediately yields $k>b$ so $a=kb+r>b^2$. Now let $k$ be even. If $r=0$ then $3^b+2\mid 2^k-2$, yielding once again $k>b$, so suppose $r\ge 1$. Notice that \[ 3^b+2\mid 2^k+3^{b-r}\Rightarrow 2^k\ge 3^{b-r}\left(3^r-1\right)+2\ge \frac{2}{3} 3^b +2 \Leftrightarrow 2^{k-1}\ge 3^{b-1}+1 \]using $3^r-1\ge 2\cdot 3^{r-1}$ valid for $r\ge 1$. But this precisely yield $k>b$, so $a>b^2$.
30.04.2024 15:53
This problem was proposed by me
01.05.2024 18:36
Let $a=xb+y$ with $x$ and $y$ being non negative numbers with $x$ larger than $0$ and $y$ smaller than $b$. Polynomial division gives that $3^{b}+2|3^{xb}-(-2)^x|3^{xb+y}-(-2)^x3^y$. So we must have $3^b+2|2+(-2)^x3^y\Rightarrow$ $3^b+2|(-2)^x3^y-3^b\Rightarrow 3^b+2|(-2)^x+3^{b-y}$. If $y=0$ then we must have $3^b+2|(-2)^x-2$ so we must have $b<x$. If $y\neq 0$ then $(-2)^x+3^{b-y}\leq 3^{b-1}+3^{x}$ so we must have at least $b\leq x$. This concludes the proof. Remark: This solution was motivated by the fact that the polynomial $x^n+2$ is irreducible and that the inequality is by no means sharp.
01.05.2024 18:46
Tynyshbek agay (teacher) finally getting his recognition for his math competence, years of working and beautiful method of teaching. He was an algebra teacher at preparation camps for Olympiads. And I am happy that I was able to be his student:)))
03.05.2024 14:17
Very instructive problem for people of all ages! Since $a\neq b$ and $3^b + 2 \leq 3^a + 2$, we must have $k = a - b > 0$. We have $3^b + 2 \mid 3^a - 3^b$ and thus $3^b + 2 \mid 3^k - 1$. Working further on the aim to reduce the numerator as much as possible, write $k = bq+r$ where $0 \leq r < k$. Then $1 \equiv 3^k \equiv 3^{bq+r} \equiv (-2)^q \cdot 3^r \pmod {3^b+2}$, i.e. $3^b + 2 \mid 2^q \cdot 3^r \pm 1$. One might stop here and get stuck (I did so for a few minutes when solving this), but notice that we can make the numerator even smaller as follows: $3^b +2 \mid 2^q \cdot 3^b \pm 3^{b-r}$, i.e. $3^b +2 \mid 2^{q+1} \pm 3^{b-r}$. Note that the latter numerator is non-zero e.g. by parity reasons. If $r>0$, then from the latter divisibility we have $3^b < 3^b +2 \leq \left|2^{q+1} \pm 3^{b-r}\right| = 2^{q+1} + 3^{b-r} \leq 2^{q+1} + 3^{b-1}$, thus $2 \cdot 3^{b-1} \leq 2^{q+1}$, so $q > b - 1$, implying $a = b + k = b(q+1) + r > b(q+1) > b^2$. If $r=0$, then $3^b + 2 \mid 2^{q+1} \pm 3^b$, so $3^b + 2 \mid 2^{q+1} \pm 2$, i.e. $3^b + 2 \mid 2^{q} \pm 1$ (with the numerator being non-zero), thus again $3^b < 3^b + 2 \leq 2^{q} + 1 \leq 3^q$, i.e. $q>b$, implying $a = b + k = b(q+1) + r > bq > b^2$.
27.05.2024 09:13
Problem finishes with $a=bx+y$
07.06.2024 20:17
We uploaded our solution https://calimath.org/pdf/BMO2024-3.pdf on youtube https://youtu.be/5-GG2ai1FNc.
07.06.2024 23:39
Let $a=:bq+r$ for nonnegative integers $q$ and $r<b$. We can prove by induction that $3^b+2\mid 2^{q-1}3^r+(-1)^q$. If $r=0$ then $2^{q-1}>3^b$ so $q>b+1$ and we are done. So assume $r>1$. Let $n:=\frac{2^{q-1}3^r+(-1)^q}{3^b+2}$ so $2n\equiv (-1)^q\pmod{3^r}$. It follows that $n\equiv\frac{3^r+(-1)^q}{2}\pmod{3^r}$ so $n\geq\frac{3^r-1}{2}$. Now \[ (3^b+2)(3^r-1)\leq 2^q3^r+2 \]so \[ 2^q\geq 3^b-3^{b-r}+2-\frac{4}{3^{r-1}}\geq 3^{b-1}. \]Thus $q\geq b$, as desired. $\square$
14.08.2024 03:18
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tbb2CdkE4b2Gr3w32l68RJB4hsS1MiII/view?usp=drivesdk this is my solution to this problem click on it and see my solution.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tbb2CdkE4b2Gr3w32l68RJB4hsS1MiII/view?usp=drivesdk.you have to do that thing when u coopy my solution.then u can open link.
24.09.2024 13:13
Clearly, $a>b$ so let $a=bk+r$, where $k\ge 1$ and $0\le r\le a-1$ and suppose that $k\le b-1$. We have that $3^b+2\mid 3^{bk+r}+2$ but notice that $3^{bk+r}=\left(3^b\right)^k\cdot 3^r\equiv(-2)^k\cdot3^r\pmod{3^b+2}$. Therefore we get $$3^b+2\mid(-2)^k\cdot3^r+2\iff 3^b+2\mid (-2)^k-3^{b-r}$$ Now, if $r\neq 0$ we get $3^b+2\le |(-2)^k-3^{b-r}|\le 2^k+3^{b-r}\le 2^{b-1}+3^{b-1}$ which is clearly false. Otherwise, if $r=0$ we get $3^b+2\mid (-2)^k+2$ so $3^b+2\le |(-2)^k+2|\le 2^k+2\le 2^{b-1}+2$ which is also false. $\blacksquare$
08.11.2024 18:38
Nice Algebra question!. Suppose FTSOC that $a=kb+\ell \le b^2$ for some $k \ge 1$ and $b>\ell \ge 0$, (where if $k=1$ then $\ell \ge 1$), then note that $3^b+2 \mid 3^a-3^b=3^b(3^{a-b}-1)$ and as $\gcd(2,3)=1$ we have that $3^b+2 \mid 3^{a-b}-1=3^{(k-1)b+\ell}-1$ so $3^b+2 \mid (-2)^{k-1} \cdot 3^{\ell}-1$ and thus by multiply by $(-1)^{k-1}$ we know that $3^b+2 \mid 2^{k-1} \cdot 3^{\ell}+(-1)^k$ now multiplying by $3^{b-\ell}$ gives $3^b+2 \mid 2^k+(-1)^{k-1} \cdot 3^{b-\ell}$. Now in the last one RHS can't be zero so it's at least $3^b+2$, also from the assumption we have that $b>k$, now if $k$ was odd then we have that $3^b+2 \le 2^k+3^{b-\ell}$, if $\ell \ge 1$ then this gives $2^k \ge 3^{b-1}+2 \ge 3^k+2$, contradiction!, so actually $\ell=0$ has to be true in this case, but then we had $3^b+2 \mid 2^{k-1}-1$ which clearly implies $k \ge b+1$, contradiction!. If $k$ is even then we have two cases which we will delete now. Case 1: $3^{b-\ell}>2^k$ In this case we get $3^{b-\ell} \ge 3^b+2+2^k$, clearly a contradiction. Case 2: $2^k>3^{b-\ell}$. Then in fact we have that $3^k>2^k \ge 3^{b-\ell}+3^b+2>3^b$ which means $k>b$ again, a contradiction!. Thus in all thecases we get a contradiction, thus we are done .