State consists of $2021$ cities, between some of them there are direct flights. Each pair of cities has not more than one flight, every flight belongs to one of $2021$ companies. Call a group of cities incomplete, if at least one company doesn't have any flights between cities of the group. Find the maximum positive integer $m$, so that one can always find an incomplete group of $m$ cities.
Source: Belarusian MO 2021
Tags: graph, combinatorics
10.05.2024 13:36
I wrote the solution in my first language but I forgot to translate to English
claim1: $m \leq 1011$
here is a construction (in attachments) let 2021 vertices be 2021 cities, 2 vertices are connected if they have a direct flights,
color each company's flight by a different color, we can see that we can choose at most 1011 cities such that they don't have all company's direct flights
claim2: for $m = 1011$, we always choose an incomplete group
$d_1,d_2,...,d_{2021}$ respectively number direct flights of company 1,...,2023
we have $2021.d_i =< d_1 +... + d_{2021} =< \frac{2021.2020}{2}$
so $d_i \leq 1010$
let $d_i$ be the company i has the smallest number of flights
the number of cities have direct flights of company i is $\leq 2d_i$
so there are at least $2021 - 2d_i$ cities don't have direct flights of company i
We always choose $d_i$ cities, which have direct flights of company i, such that they don't have a direct flight of company i between them.
So we can choose an incomplete group of at least $2021 - 2d_i + d_i = 2021 - d_i \geq 1011$ cities.