
Source: 2024 CTST P20

Tags: number theory, Digits, geometric sequence

A positive integer is a good number, if its base $10$ representation can be split into at least $5$ sections, each section with a non-zero digit, and after interpreting each section as a positive integer (omitting leading zero digits), they can be split into two groups, such that each group can be reordered to form a geometric sequence (if a group has $1$ or $2$ numbers, it is also a geometric sequence), for example $20240327$ is a good number, since after splitting it as $2|02|403|2|7$, $2|02|2$ and $403|7$ form two groups of geometric sequences. If $a>1$, $m>2$, $p=1+a+a^2+\dots+a^m$ is a prime, prove that $\frac{10^{p-1}-1}{p}$ is a good number.