Shikaku and his son Shikamaru must climb a staircase that has $2022$ steps; the steps are listed $1$, $2$, $...$ , $2022$ and the floor is considered step $0$. This bores them both a lot, so so they decide to organize a game. They begin by tying a rope between them, so that At most they can be separated from each other by a distance of $7$ steps, that is, if they are in the steps $m$ and$ n$, then it must always be true that $|m-n| \le 7$. For the game they establish the following rules: a) They move alternately in turns. b) In his corresponding turn, the player must move to a higher step than in the one that (the same) was previously. c) If a player has just moved to the $n$-th step, then on the next turn the other player cannot be moved to any of the steps $n-1$, $n$ or $n + 1$, except when it is for reach the last step. d) Whoever reaches the last step (listed with $2022$) wins. Shikamaru is bored to start, so his father starts. Determine which of the two players has a winning strategy and describe it.