
Source: 2024 Vietnam National Olympiad - Problem 3

Tags: geometry

Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle with circumcenter $O$. Let $A'$ be the center of the circle passing through $C$ and tangent to $AB$ at $A$, let $B'$ be the center of the circle passing through $A$ and tangent to $BC$ at $B$, let $C'$ be the center of the circle passing through $B$ and tangent to $CA$ at $C$. a) Prove that the area of triangle $A'B'C'$ is not less than the area of triangle $ABC$. b) Let $X, Y, Z$ be the projections of $O$ onto lines $A'B', B'C', C'A'$. Given that the circumcircle of triangle $XYZ$ intersects lines $A'B', B'C', C'A'$ again at $X', Y', Z'$ ($X' \neq X, Y' \neq Y, Z' \neq Z$), prove that lines $AX', BY', CZ'$ are concurrent.