
Source: EMC 2023 Seniors P3

Tags: emc, 2023, combinatorics

Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let $B_n$ be the set of all binary strings of length $n$. For a binary string $s_1\hdots s_n$, we define it's twist in the following way. First, we count how many blocks of consecutive digits it has. Denote this number by $b$. Then, we replace $s_b$ with $1-s_b$. A string $a$ is said to be a descendant of $b$ if $a$ can be obtained from $b$ through a finite number of twists. A subset of $B_n$ is called divided if no two of its members have a common descendant. Find the largest possible cardinality of a divided subset of $B_n$. Remark. Here is an example of a twist: $101100 \rightarrow 101000$ because $1\mid 0\mid 11\mid 00$ has $4$ blocks of consecutive digits. Viktor Simjanoski