For a polynomial f define Δcf by (Δcf)(x):=f(x+c)−f(x). This is a polynomial of degree one less than f (or the 0 polynomial if f was constant).
Then consider Δ4Δ2Δ1f, it is 0. Expanding it gives that it is (x+7)2−(x+6)2−(x+5)2+(x+4)2−(x+3)2+(x+2)2+(x+1)2−x2=0. This reduces the original problem to checking those cases with n≤7, which can easily be done.
One couls also use Δ2Δ1f to be 4, easily reducing the problem to n≤3, making the checking easier.
This also shows that one can replace the square by arbitrary powers kn if one just changes 4 into a big enough number (the biggest value occuring in the first 2n+1 numbers is the best possible bound, a more general bound is n!⋅2n(n−1)2 or 2n2).
See also for a related problem.