
Source: RMM Extralist 2021 C2

Tags: RMM Shortlist, graph theory, weights, combinatorics

Fix a positive integer $n$ and a finite graph with at least one edge; the endpoints of each edge are distinct, and any two vertices are joined by at most one edge. Vertices and edges are assigned (not necessarily distinct) numbers in the range from $0$ to $n-1$, one number each. A vertex assignment and an edge assignment are compatible if the following condition is satisfied at each vertex $v$: The number assigned to $v$ is congruent modulo $n$ to the sum of the numbers assigned to the edges incident to $v$. Fix a vertex assignment and let $N$ be the total number of compatible edge assignments; compatibility refers, of course, to the fixed vertex assignment. Prove that, if $N \neq 0$, then the prime divisors of $N$ are all at most $n$.