For any natural number, let's call the numbers formed from its digits and have the same "digit" arrangement with the initial number as the "partial numbers". For example, the partial numbers of $149$ are ${1, 4, 9, 14,19, 49, 149},$ and the partial numbers of $313$ are ${3, 1, 31,33, 13, 313}.$ Find all natural numbers whose partial numbers are all prime. Justify your opinion.
Source: Azerbaijan NMO 2023. Junior P1
Tags: number theory, AZE JUNIOR NATIONAL MO
25.08.2023 00:23
Such numbers can have only digits $2,3,5,7$ and all digits should be different digit $2,5$ can be only in first position 1) numbers $2,3,5,7$ are answer 2)for $2$-digits numbers we have $23,37,53,73$ are answer 3) for $3$-digits numbers we have that if second digit is $3$ then third should be $7$ but we can not choose as first digits any number If second digit is $7$ then first and third should be $7$ which is impossible 4) for $n$-digits $n \geq 4$ we should have that there are $3$-digits partial number, what is impossible
29.08.2023 18:10
Sol from exam Suppose that we have number which hase more than 2 digits That is easy contradicition for more than or equal to 4 numbers because we dont use any prime number second time and if we have 3 digit number $357$ which isn't satisfying condition Then we have $2,3,5,7,23,37,53,73$
21.04.2024 10:36
This problem is the same as which appeared on August 2021.
12.12.2024 21:25
RagvaloD wrote: Such numbers can have only digits $2,3,5,7$ and all digits should be different digit $2,5$ can be only in first position 1) numbers $2,3,5,7$ are answer 2)for $2$-digits numbers we have $23,37,53,73$ are answer 3) for $3$-digits numbers we have that if second digit is $3$ then third should be $7$ but we can not choose as first digits any number If second digit is $7$ then first and third should be $7$ which is impossible 4) for $n$-digits $n \geq 4$ we should have that there are $3$-digits partial number, what is impossible Good solution but your English is not perfect