
Source: USA TSTST 2023/4

Tags: USA TSTST, graph theory, Binomial, Hi

Let $n\ge 3$ be an integer and let $K_n$ be the complete graph on $n$ vertices. Each edge of $K_n$ is colored either red, green, or blue. Let $A$ denote the number of triangles in $K_n$ with all edges of the same color, and let $B$ denote the number of triangles in $K_n$ with all edges of different colors. Prove \[ B\le 2A+\frac{n(n-1)}{3}.\](The complete graph on $n$ vertices is the graph on $n$ vertices with $\tbinom n2$ edges, with exactly one edge joining every pair of vertices. A triangle consists of the set of $\tbinom 32=3$ edges between $3$ of these $n$ vertices.) Proposed by Ankan Bhattacharya