
Source: 2023 USA TSTST Problem 9

Tags: number theory, USA TSTST

For every integer $m\ge 1$, let $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$ denote the set of integers modulo $m$. Let $p$ be a fixed prime and let $a\ge 2$ and $e\ge 1$ be fixed integers. Given a function $f\colon \mathbb{Z}/a\mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{Z}/p^e\mathbb{Z}$ and an integer $k\ge 0$, the $k$th finite difference, denoted $\Delta^k f$, is the function from $\mathbb{Z}/a\mathbb{Z}$ to $\mathbb{Z}/p^e\mathbb{Z}$ defined recursively by \begin{align*} \Delta^0 f(n)&=f(n)\\ \Delta^k f(n)&=\Delta^{k-1}f(n+1)-\Delta^{k-1}f(n) & \text{for } k=1,2,\dots. \end{align*}Determine the number of functions $f$ such that there exists some $k\ge 1$ for which $\Delta^kf=f$. Holden Mui