
Source: 2020 Brazil Ibero TST P4

Tags: Operation, combinatorics, number theory

A quadruple of integers $(a, b, c, d)$ is said good if $ad-bc=2020$. Two good quadruplets are said to be dissimilar if it is not possible to obtain one from the other using a finite number of applications of the following operations: $$(a,b,c,d) \rightarrow (-c,-d,a,b)$$$$(a,b,c,d) \rightarrow (a,b,c+a,d+b)$$$$(a,b,c,d) \rightarrow (a,b,c-a,d-b)$$ Let $A$ be a set of $k$ good quadruples, two by two dissimilar. Show that $k \leq 4284$.