Two squids are forced to participate in a game. Before it begins, they will be informed of all the rules, and can discuss their strategies freely. Then, they will be locked in separate rooms, and be given distinct positive integers no larger than $2023$ as their IDs respectively. The two squids then take turns alternatively; on one's turn, the squid chooses one of the following: 1. announce a positive integer, which will be heard by the other squid; 2. declare which squid has the larger ID. If correct, they win and are released together; otherwise, they lose and are fried together. Find the smallest positive integer $N$ so that, no matter what IDs the squids have been given, they can always win in a finite number of turns, and the sum of the numbers announced during the game is no larger than $N$.
Source: 2023 Taiwan TST Round 3 Independent Study 2-C
Tags: combinatorics
01.05.2023 19:54
Very simple strategy: #1 says the number equal to it's ID. Squid #2 knows it's own ID and then compares them and says which one is larger. The sum of the numbers is simply the ID of Squid #1 which can be up to $2023.$ A better way would be to write these numbers in base-2: Squid #1 expresses it's number in base-2, using $2$s instead of $0$s. In this time, Squid #2 juts spams saying $1$ to reduce the sum. When Squid #1 is done, it says $3$ as it's number, signaling that it is done, and Squid #2 compares the numbers as before.
31.05.2023 15:57
StrahdVonZarovich wrote: Very simple strategy: #1 says the number equal to it's ID. Squid #2 knows it's own ID and then compares them and says which one is larger. The sum of the numbers is simply the ID of Squid #1 which can be up to $2023.$ A better way would be to write these numbers in base-2: Squid #1 expresses it's number in base-2, using $2$s instead of $0$s. In this time, Squid #2 juts spams saying $1$ to reduce the sum. When Squid #1 is done, it says $3$ as it's number, signaling that it is done, and Squid #2 compares the numbers as before. This method isn't optimal. We can assume both squid get an $11$ digit number (in base $2$), put leading zeros if they get a $10$ digit or less. Then they take turns shouting the digits from the highest place. (squid 1 shout his first, squid 2 shout his second, etc.). This way we can cut the number to a $20$ instead of your $33$. However, I heard someone said there is a strategy with $10$.
31.05.2023 16:34
CrazyInMath wrote: StrahdVonZarovich wrote: Very simple strategy: #1 says the number equal to it's ID. Squid #2 knows it's own ID and then compares them and says which one is larger. The sum of the numbers is simply the ID of Squid #1 which can be up to $2023.$ A better way would be to write these numbers in base-2: Squid #1 expresses it's number in base-2, using $2$s instead of $0$s. In this time, Squid #2 juts spams saying $1$ to reduce the sum. When Squid #1 is done, it says $3$ as it's number, signaling that it is done, and Squid #2 compares the numbers as before. This method isn't optimal. We can assume both squid get an $11$ digit number (in base $2$), put leading zeros if they get a $10$ digit or less. Then they take turns shouting the digits from the highest place. (squid 1 shout his first, squid 2 shout his second, etc.). This way we can cut the number to a $20$ instead of your $33$. However, I heard someone said there is a strategy with $10$. You can cut the number to $18$ because $11111111110$ and $11111111111$ in binary are greater than $2023$ in base ten. However, you can't cut it any more using this strategy because $10111111110$ and $10111111111$ in binary are less than or equal to $2023$ in base ten.
31.05.2023 18:46
I have a strategy that I think is either optimal or very close to optimal, but I have no proof of that. I also don't know what is the maximal sum of announced numbers in this strategy.
17.07.2023 07:38
The answer is $\log_2(n)$. Just induct on both bound and construction.
17.07.2023 11:07
gghx wrote: The answer is $\log_2(n)$. Just induct on both bound and construction. You are welcome to show us more details of your surely ingeniously short solution.
17.07.2023 12:37
Tintarn wrote: gghx wrote: The answer is $\log_2(n)$. Just induct on both bound and construction. You are welcome to show us more details of your surely ingeniously short solution. Neither ingenious nor short, but here goes... Construction goes as follows (it should be $\log_2(n)-1$, btw): $n=2$ can be done with a sum of $0$, since the numbers are distinct. We now induct to show that $2^k$ can be done with $k-1$. Consider the first player, who has some number $A$. If $A=1$ or $2^k$ he is done. Else assign the following ranges: $[2,2^{k-1}+1]\rightarrow 1$, $[2^{k-1}+2,2^{k-1}+2^{k-2}+1]\rightarrow 2$, etc Basically, $i$ is assigned a range of size $2^{k-i}$, for $1\le i\le {k-1}$. Based on which range $A$ falls into, the first player says the assigned number. By the induction hypothesis, we are done with maximum $(k-i-1)+i=k-1$ sum. Bound: We induct to show that $n=2^k+1$ requires at least $k$. This is obviously true for $k=1$. Any strategy goes as follows: all numbers from $[1,n]$ are assigned some value, and whichever number the first player receives he says the assigned value. Let the number of numbers with value $i$ be $f(i)$. Suppose that $2^k+1$ can be done with $k-1$. Then in this strategy we have $f(1)+f(2)+\cdots+f(k-1)=2^k+1$. It is easy to see that there is some $i$ for which $f(i)\ge 2^{k-i}+1$. This means that $n=2^{k-i}+1$ can be done with $k-i-1$, a contradiction.