
Source: EGMO 2023/6

Tags: EGMO 2023, config geo, mixtillinear, radax

Let $ABC$ be a triangle with circumcircle $\Omega$. Let $S_b$ and $S_c$ respectively denote the midpoints of the arcs $AC$ and $AB$ that do not contain the third vertex. Let $N_a$ denote the midpoint of arc $BAC$ (the arc $BC$ including $A$). Let $I$ be the incenter of $ABC$. Let $\omega_b$ be the circle that is tangent to $AB$ and internally tangent to $\Omega$ at $S_b$, and let $\omega_c$ be the circle that is tangent to $AC$ and internally tangent to $\Omega$ at $S_c$. Show that the line $IN_a$, and the lines through the intersections of $\omega_b$ and $\omega_c$, meet on $\Omega$.