
Source: European Mathematical Cup 2022, Junior Division, Problem 4

Tags: combinatorics, Sets, intersections

A collection $F$ of distinct (not necessarily non-empty) subsets of $X = \{1,2,\ldots,300\}$ is lovely if for any three (not necessarily distinct) sets $A$, $B$ and $C$ in $F$ at most three out of the following eight sets are non-empty \begin{align*}A \cap B \cap C, \ \ \ \overline{A} \cap B \cap C, \ \ \ A \cap \overline{B} \cap C, \ \ \ A \cap B \cap \overline{C}, \\ \overline{A} \cap \overline{B} \cap C, \ \ \ \overline{A} \cap B \cap \overline {C}, \ \ \ A \cap \overline{B} \cap \overline{C}, \ \ \ \overline{A} \cap \overline{B} \cap \overline{C} \end{align*}where $\overline{S}$ denotes the set of all elements of $X$ which are not in $S$. What is the greatest possible number of sets in a lovely collection?