
Source: 2016 Latvia BW TST P9

Tags: combinatorics, Subsets

The numbers from$ 1$ to $2016$ are divided into three (disjoint) subsets $A, B$ and $C$, each one contains exactly $672$ numbers. Prove that you can find three numbers, each from a different subset, such that the sum of two of them is equal to the third.

HIDE: original wording Skaitļi no 1 līdz 2016 ir sadalīti trīs (nešķeļošās) apakškopās A, B un C, katranotām satur tieši 672 skaitļus. Pierādīt, ka var atrast trīs tādus skaitļus, katru no citas apakškopas, ka divu no tiem summa ir vienāda ar trešo.