Let $k$ be a positive integer and $n_1, n_2, ..., n_k$ be non-negative integers. Points $P_1, P_2, ..., P_k$ lie on a circle in such a way that at point $P_i$ there are $n_i$ stones. Leandro wishes to change the position of some of these stones in order to accomplish his objective which is to have the same number of stones at each point of the circle. He does this by repeating as many times as necessary the following operation: if there exists a point on the circle with at least $k - 1$ stones, he can choose $k -1$ of these and distribute them by giving one to each of the remaining $k - 1$ points. For which values $n_1, n_2, ..., n_k$ can Leandro accomplish his objective? In the figure below there is a configuration of stones for $k = 4$. On the right is the initial division of stones, while on the left there is the configuration obtained from the initial one by choosing $k - 1 = 3$ stones from the top point on the circle and distributing one each to the other points. [figures missing]