
Source: 2022 Mexican Mathematics Olympiad P3

Tags: music, Divisors

Let $n>1$ be an integer and $d_1<d_2<\dots<d_m$ the list of its positive divisors, including $1$ and $n$. The $m$ instruments of a mathematical orchestra will play a musical piece for $m$ seconds, where the instrument $i$ will play a note of tone $d_i$ during $s_i$ seconds (not necessarily consecutive), where $d_i$ and $s_i$ are positive integers. This piece has "sonority" $S=s_1+s_2+\dots s_n$. A pair of tones $a$ and $b$ are harmonic if $\frac ab$ or $\frac ba$ is an integer. If every instrument plays for at least one second and every pair of notes that sound at the same time are harmonic, show that the maximum sonority achievable is a composite number.