
Source: 2022 Saudi Arabia IMO TST 4.3

Tags: geometry, concurrency, Concyclic

Let $A,B,C,D$ be points on the line $d$ in that order and $AB = CD$. Denote $(P)$ as some circle that passes through $A, B$ with its tangent lines at $A, B$ are $a,b$. Denote $(Q)$ as some circle that passes through $C, D$ with its tangent lines at $C, D$ are $c,d$. Suppose that $a$ cuts $c, d$ at $K, L$ respectively and $b$ cuts $c, d$ at $M, N$ respectively. Prove that four points $K, L, M,N$ belong to a same circle $(\omega)$ and the common external tangent lines of circles $(P)$, $(Q)$ meet on $(\omega)$.