Two players $ A$, $ B$ and another 2001 people form a circle, such that $ A$ and $ B$ are not in consecutive positions. $ A$ and $ B$ play in alternating turns, starting with $ A$. A play consists of touching one of the people neighboring you, which such person once touched leaves the circle. The winner is the last man standing. Show that one of the two players has a winning strategy, and give such strategy. Note: A player has a winning strategy if he/she is able to win no matter what the opponent does.
Source: Central American Olympiad 2001, problem 1
09.09.2024 22:25
Es trivial. :0
09.09.2024 22:26
GOLDENNAC wrote: Me es demasiado trivial. Solo debe asegurar que B mantenga un arco par, eventualmente serĂ¡ 0, y desde luego, A gana.
21.09.2024 08:48
A. Between A and B, there are (even,odd) or (odd,even) people. A makes this (odd,odd) because odd numbers can not be 0. When A makes (odd,odd), B can only make (even,odd) or (odd,even) when the even becomes 0, A can touch B, If even is bigger than 0, A can do this task again and again until even becomes 0. So, A alwats wins with this winning strategy.