
Source: Mathematics Regional Olympiad of Mexico West 2016 P3

Tags: geometry, fixed

A circle $\omega$ with center $O$ and radius $r$ is constructed. A point $P$ is chosen on the circumference $\omega$ and a point A is taken inside it, such that is outside the line that passes through $P$ and $O$. Point $B$ is constructed, the reflection of $A$ wrt $O$. and $P'$ is another point on the circumference such that the chord $PP'$ is perpendicular to $PA$. Let $Q$ be the point on the line $PP'$ that minimizes the sum of distances from $A$ to $Q$ and from $Q$ to $B$. Show that the value of the sum of the lengths $AQ+QB$ does not depend on the choice of points $P$ or $A$