Let $n$ be a positive integer. Anna and Beatrice play a game with a deck of $n$ cards labelled with the numbers $1, 2,...,n$. Initially, the deck is shuffled. The players take turns, starting with Anna. At each turn, if $k$ denotes the number written on the topmost card, then the player first looks at all the cards and then rearranges the $k$ topmost cards. If, after rearranging, the topmost card shows the number k again, then the player has lost and the game ends. Otherwise, the turn of the other player begins. Determine, depending on the initial shuffle, if either player has a winning strategy, and if so, who does.
Source: MEMO 2022 I2
Tags: combinatorics
03.09.2022 21:26
15.01.2024 15:08
Consider the following algorithm: Assume that within the first $k$ cards, $k$ is not the smallest card. let $j$ be the smallest card. The Player whose turn it currently is, call it Player 1, now does the following: Place $j$ on the top, and the remaining cards in decreasing order afterwards. We need the following few little remarks: $\textit{claim 1:}$ $k$ is not the largest card in the first $k$ cards $\textit{proof:}$ If $k$ were the largest card within the first $k$ cards, then $1$ must also be one of those cards. But placing $1$ on top instantly wins $\textit{generalised claim:}$ assume $k$ is the $m$'th largest card. then the smallest card has at most value $m$ $\textit{proof:}$ as there are in total $k$ cards within the first $k$ cards, and $m-1$ of those are bigger than $k$, we conclude that $k-m$ of those are smaller than $k$. However, the claim here immediately follows, since there otherwise wouldn't be enough cards But from this claim, it follows that using the above described algorithm for Player $1$ will always result in Player $2$ having to place a card $i$ with $i>k$ on top. This means, Player $1$ has now more cards to work with. Since this is a monovariant, Player $1$ will at some point have the card with value $1$ in the first $k$ cards, and therefore win Since we initially assumed that $k$ is not the smallest card within the first $k$ cards, call the state that Player $1$ finds himself in $\textit{big}$, and the state Player $2$ finds himself forcefully in, $\textit{small}$ Now apply that algorithm on the game with $A$ and $B$. if $A$ starts with a big state, then he can apply the algorithm and therefore eventually win. If $A$ starts in a small state, then $B$ finds himself in a big state the turn afterwards, and can therefore force a win We conclude: $A$ can win if $k$ is not the smallest card within the first $k$ cards, otherwise $B$ wins