
Source: 2022 Korea Winter Program Practice Test

Tags: geometry, circumcircle, angle bisector

Let $ABC$ be an acute triangle such that $AB<AC$. Let $\Omega$ be its circumcircle, $O$ be its circumcenter, and $l$ be the internal angle bisector of $\angle BAC$. Suppose that the tangents to $\Omega$ at $B$ and $C$ intersect at $X$. Let $\omega$ be a circle whose center is $X$ and passes $B$, and $Y$ be the intersection of $l$ and $\omega$ which is chosen inside $\triangle ABC$. Let $D,E$ be the projections of $Y$ onto $AB,AC$, respectively. $OY$ meets $BC$ at $Z$. $ZD,ZE$ meet $l$ at $P,Q$, respectively. Prove that $BQ$ and $CP$ are parallel.