
Source: 2022 Korea Winter Program Practice Test

Tags: graph theory, combinatorics, independent sets

Let $n\ge 2$ be a positive integer. $S$ is a set of $2n$ airports. For two arbitrary airports $A,B$, if there is an airway from $A$ to $B$, then there is an airway from $B$ to $A$. Suppose that $S$ has only one independent set of $n$ airports. Let the independent set $X$. Prove that there exists an airport $P\in S\setminus X$ which satisfies following condition. Condition : For two arbitrary distinct airports $A,B\in S\setminus \{P\}$, if there exists a path connecting $A$ and $B$, then there exists a path connecting $A$ and $B$ which does not pass $P$.