Find all positive integers $n$ for which there exists a polynomial $P(x) \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ such that for every positive integer $m\geq 1$, the numbers $P^m(1), \ldots, P^m(n)$ leave exactly $\lceil n/2^m\rceil$ distinct remainders when divided by $n$. (Here, $P^m$ means $P$ applied $m$ times.) Proposed by Carl Schildkraut, USA
Source: 2021 ISL N8
Tags: algebra, polynomial, ceiling function, abstract algebra
12.07.2022 15:23
The answer is all $n$ prime or $n=2^k$. Claim: $n=p$ works. Proof: Consider a directed tree where on layer $j$ $(j< \lceil \log_2(m)\rceil)$, there are exactly $\lceil \frac{n}{2^{j-1}} \rceil - \lceil \frac{n}{2^j} \rceil$ nodes. Map nodes and note every single digraph is representable as a polynomial. $n=2^k$ works because I can set $P(x)=2x$ then I can see $Im(P^m(x), 2^k)$ is precisely the residues divisible by $2^m$. Suppose $n=p_1^{a_1} p_2^{a_2} \cdots p_k^{a_k}$. Let $f(P(x), t)$ be the number of distinct residues mod $t$ that $P(x)$ reaches. Claim: $$f(P(x),n)=\prod\limits_{j=1}^k f(P(x), p_j^{a_j})$$ Proof: Chinese Remainder Theorem. Let $a_{m,t} = f(P^m(x), p_t^{a_t})$. Claim: $a_{m,t} > a_{m,t+1}$ unless $a_{m,t}=1$. Proof: if $a_{m,t}=a_{m,t+1}$ then $Im(P^m(x)) \cap \mathbb{Z}_{p_t^{a_t}}$ doesn't change as $m$ grows, which implies $a_{m,t}$ is constant as $m$ grows, and $a_{m,t}=1$ when $2^m>n$. We need $$\prod\limits_{j=1}^k a_{j,m} = \lceil \frac{n}{2^j} \rceil$$ In fact, we just need $a_{j,x} a_{j,y} = \lceil \frac{a_{j-1,x} a_{j-1,y}}{2} \rceil $. Consider the sequence in reverse. In the end, $a_{T,x}=a_{T,y}=1$. WLOG $a_{T-1,x}>1$ and $a_{T-1,y}=1$. Let $m$ be the maximal integer such that $a_{m,y}>1$. Then $a_{m,y}a_{m,x} > 2a_{m+1,y}a_{m+1,x}$, absurd! Now consider the case where $n=p^t$ where $t\ge 2$. I claim there are no solutions when $p$ is odd. We first settle the case where $t\ge 3.$ Suppose $p\nmid P'(x)$, then I claim $P(x), P(x+p), \cdots, P(x+p^t-p)$ are injective mod $p^t$. Note if $P(x)=\sum\limits_{j=1}^n a_jx^j$ (we may assume 0 is the root) \begin{align*} & P(x+cp^e)-P(x) \\ &= \sum\limits_{k=1}^n a_k ((x+cp^e)^{k}-x^k)\\ &\equiv \sum\limits_{k=1}^n a_k kx^{k-1} cp^e (\bmod\; p^{2e})\\ &\equiv cp^eP'(x) (\bmod\; p^{2e}) \end{align*} Which does not vanish mod $p^t$. On the other hand, if $p\mid P'(x)$, then $P(x),P(x+p),\cdots,P(x+p^t-p)$ only take on at most $p^{t-2}$ values because $P(x)\equiv P(x+p^{t-1}) (\bmod\; p^t)$ Call a residue $r (\bmod\; p)$ strange if there exists $x$ such that $P(x)\equiv r(\bmod\; p)$ but for all such $x$, $p\mid P'(x)$. Note for all nonstrange residues $r$, $P(x)$ either hits all or none of the $r(\bmod\; p)$ residues $(\bmod\; p^t)$. \vspace{1cm} \textbf{Claim.} There are exactly $\frac{p-1}{2}$ non-strange residues mod $p$ in $Im(P)$. \vspace{1cm} \textbf{Proof of Claim.} If there are more than $\frac{p-1}{2}$ non-strange residues, then the number of residues in $Im(P)$ mod $p^t$ is at least $\frac{p+1}{2} p^{t-1} > \frac{p^t+1}{2}$, since each strange residue $r$ mod $p$ satisfies $r+kp (0\le k<p^{t-1})$ are all in $Im(P)$ in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^t}$. If there are at most $\frac{p-3}{2}$ non-strange residues in the image of $P$, then all other residues contribute at most $p^{t-2}$ elements. Therefore, $$Im(P) \le \frac{p-3}{2}p^{t-1} + p\cdot p^{t-2} < \frac{p^t+1}{2}$$absurd. call $r_1,\cdots,r_{\frac{p-1}{2}}$ such that $$P(x_i)\equiv r_i (\bmod\; p)$$ (Where $x_1,\cdots,x_{\frac{p-1}{2}}$ are distinct mod $p$, and so are $r_1,\cdots, r_{\frac{p-1}{2}}$) For all $1\le i\le \frac{p-1}{2}$. Consider the remaining $\frac{p^{t-1}+1}{2}$ residues in $Im(P) \cap \mathbb{Z}_{p^t}$ whose residue mod $p$ is disjoint with $\{r_1,\cdots,r_{\frac{p-1}{2}}\}$ (i.e. strange mod $p$) Consider residues $z_1,\cdots,z_k$ such that $p|P'(z_i)$. Each includes at most $p^{t-2}$ residues to $Im(P)$, so $k\ge \frac{p+1}{2}$ if $p$ is odd. This implies $\{x_1,\cdots,x_{\frac{p-1}{2}}\} \sqcup \{z_1,\cdots,z_{\frac{p+1}{2}}\} = \{0,\cdots,p-1\}$ Therefore, $\{P(z_1),\cdots,P(z_{\frac{p+1}{2}})\} \cap \{r_1,\cdots,r_{\frac{p-1}{2}} \} = \emptyset$ because otherwise remainder when the number of residues mod $p^t$ is divided by $p^{t-1}$ is at most $\frac{p-1}{2} p^{t-2}.$ Furthermore, for each $r_i$ there exists a unique $x_i$ such that $P(x_i)\equiv r_i(\bmod\; p)$ We further consider $\nu_p(P'(x))$. Suppose $\nu_p(P'(x))=1$, then $P(x), P(x+p^2), \cdots, P(x+p^t-p^2)$ forms all residues $\equiv P(x)(\bmod\; p^3)$ in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^t}$, which is exactly $p^{t-2}$. Therefore, we need to find the number of distinct residues mod $p^2$ in $\{P(x),P(x+p),\cdots,P(x+p^2-p)\}$, call $C$, then the number is just $Cp^{t-3}$. Note $$P(x+cp)-P(x)\equiv cpP'(x)+\frac{c^2p^2}{2} P''(x) \equiv p^2 \left(cm+\frac{c^2}{2} P''(x)\right) (\bmod\; p^3 )$$ If $ \nu_p(P'(x))=1$ and $p\mid P''(x)$, then $cm+\frac{c^2}{2}P''(x)$ hits all residues mod $p$, so $P(x+cp)_{0\le c<p^{t-2}}$ covers $p^{t-2}$ residues. Call $x$ a type A strange residue. If $\nu_p(P'(x))=1$ and $p\nmid P''(x)$, then $cm+\frac{c^2}{2}P''(x)$ covers exactly $\frac{p+1}{2}$ residues mod $p$, so $P(x+cp)_{0\le c<p^{t-2}}$ hits $\frac{p+1}{2}p^{t-3}$ residues mod $p^t$. Call $x$ a type B residue. Otherwise, $\nu_p(P'(x))\ge 2$, and $P(x)\equiv P(x+p^{t-2})(\bmod\; p^t)$ (if $t\ge 4$), so $P(x+cp)_{0\le c<p^{t-2}}$ hits at most $p^{t-3}$ residues mod $p^t$. Call $x$ a type $C$ residue. (If $t=3$, $P(x+cp)-P(x)\equiv (cp)^2 P''(x)/2 (\bmod\; p^3)$ which means $P(x+cp)$ hits at most $\frac{p+1}{2} p^{t-3}$ residues mod $p^t$ so we take this as a type B residue) Let $a,b,c$ be the number of type $A,B,C$ residues among $z_1,\cdots,z_{\frac{p+1}{2}}$. We have $$a+b+c=\frac{p+1}{2}$$ $$p^{t-2}a + \frac{p+1}{2} p^{t-3} b + p^{t-3} c > \frac{p^{t-1}}{2}$$ The above equation holds because the image contains $\frac{p^{t-1}+1}{2}$ residues, but there is overcounting and each type C residue contains AT MOST (not necessarily exactly) $p^{t-3}$ residues mod $p$. First, note if $a\le \frac{p-3}{2}$, then $$p^{t-2}a + \frac{p+1}{2} p^{t-3}b + p^{t-3}c \le p^{t-3} \left(pa+\frac{p+1}{2} \left(\frac{p+1}{2}-a\right) \right) = p^{t-3} \left(\left(\frac{p+1}{2}\right)^2 + \frac{p-1}{2} a \right)$$ $$\le p^{t-3} \frac{p^2-p+2}{2} < \frac{p^{t-1}}{2}$$ Hence $a\in \{\frac{p-1}{2}, \frac{p+1}{2}\}$ If $a=\frac{p-1}{2}$, then either $b=1,c=0$ or $b=0,c=1$. If $c=1$, then $p^{t-2} \frac{p-1}{2} + p^{t-3} > \frac{p^{t-1}}{2}$, which is impossible for $p\ge 3$. Hence $c=0$. WLOG, $p\mid P''(z_1)$, and $z_2,\cdots,z_{\frac{p+1}{2}}$ are all type A. Say $P(z_i)\equiv y_i (\bmod\; p^2)$. This means the (strange mod p) residues $\equiv y_i(\bmod\; p^2)$ in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^t}$ are all in $Im(P)$ in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^t}$. If $\left|\{y_2,\cdots,y_{\frac{p+1}{2}}\}\right| < \frac{p-1}{2}$, then $Im(P)$ mod $p^t$ contains at most $\frac{p-3}{2}p^{t-2}+\frac{p+1}{2}p^{t-3}$ or $\frac{p-1}{2}p^{t-2} < \frac{p^{t-1}}{2}$, absurd. Therefore, the $y_i$'s are pairwise distinct mod $p^2$. This means the number of the strange residues mod $p^t$ is exactly ( no inequality here) $\frac{p-1}{2}p^{t-2} + \frac{p+1}{2}p^{t-3} \ne \frac{p^{t-1}+1}{2}$ The other case is $a=\frac{p+1}{2}$. Define $y_i$ as above, then the number of strange residues mod $p^t$ is exactly $$|\{y_1,\cdots,y_{\frac{p+1}{2}}\}| \cdot p^{t-2}\ne \frac{p^{t-1}+1}{2}$$ Now we deal with the case $t=2$. Note that $$f(x),f(x+p),\cdots,f(x+(p-1)p)$$ Is either constant or is exactly the set of residues in $\mathbb{Z}_{p^2}$ that are $\equiv r(\bmod\; p)$. Call a full set $(x,x+p,\cdots,x+(p-1)p)$ where $0\le x<p$ and a singleton any residue mod $p$. Note the image of a full set is either a singleton or another full set. Therefore, if $x_i$ is the number of full sets in the image of $P^i$ mod $p^2$, and $y_i$ is the number of singletons in the image of $P^i$ mod $p^2$ that doesn't appear in a full set, then $x_i+y_i \le x_{i-1}+y_{i-1}$ since there can be overlaps. By counting, $px_i+y_i=\lceil \frac{p^2}{2^i} \rceil$ If $M_i=\lceil \frac{p^2}{2^i} \rceil > p$ then $x_i=\lfloor \frac{M_i}{p}\rfloor, y_i=R(M_i,p)$ (where R denotes remainder) Consider the largest $n$ such that $M_n>p$. Then $\frac p2<M_{n+1}\le p$ so $x_{n+1}=0$ and $x_{n+1}+y_{n+1}=M_{n+1}$. If $M_{n+1}=p$ then $x_n=1, y_n=p-1$ is forced. Otherwise, $x_n=1, px_n+y_n \in \{2M_{n+1},2M_{n+1}-1\}$ and $y_n\le 2M_{n+1}-p$, which implies $M_{n+1}=p-1$. This implies $x_n+y_n\ge p-1, x_0+y_0=p$ and for all $0<m<n$, $$\lceil \frac{M_m}{p}\rceil + R(M_m,p) \in \{p-1,p\}$$ Case 1: $M_{n+1}=p-1$. This means $(x_n,y_n)=(1,p-2)$ is forced. This means while $R(y_m,p)>\frac p2$, $x_{m-1}=2x_m+1, y_{m-1}\in \{2y_m-p, 2y_m-p-1\}$. Then $x_{m-1}+y_{m-1}\in \{2(x_m+y_m)-(p-1), 2(x_m+y_m)-(p-1)-1\}$, so $x_{m-1}+y_{m-1}=p-1$ and $y_{m-1}=2y_m-p$. This means I will reach $(2^t-1, p-2^t)$ where $2^{t+1}>p$, which means $2^t-1 > \frac p2 - 1$ and must be at least $\frac{p-1}{2}$. We can also show $(x_1,y_1)=(\frac{p-1}{2}, \frac{p+1}{2})$ so $2^t-1=\frac{p-1}{2}, p-2^t=\frac{p+1}{2}$. Adding the two equations up yields $p-1=p$, absurd! Case 2: $M_{n+1}=p$. This means $$\lceil \frac{M_m}{p} \rceil + R(M_m,p)=p$$ For all $0<m<n$. We start with $(x_n,y_n)=(1,p-1)$, then while $y_m>\frac p2, (x_{m-1},y_{m-1})=(2x_m+1, 2y_m-p-1)$. This implies $(x_{n-t}, y_{n-t})=(2^{t+1}-1, p+1-2^{t+1})$ for all $y_{n-t+1} > \frac p2$ However, observe when $y_{n-t}<\frac p2, y_{n-t}=0$ and $n-t=0$. Therefore, $p=2^k-1$ for some $k$. Now one can show $P(a)\equiv P(b) (\bmod\; p^2) \rightarrow p\mid a-b$ (the converse is not true). A careful analysis of the equality case suggests that there is some "duplication" of singletons, so equality cannot occur.
20.07.2022 12:17
Here is a version of the solution which might look a little bit less frightening: Part 1: The existence case: First of all, note that for $n=2^k$ we can just take $P(x)=2x$ and for $n=p$ prime we can realize any function $P:\mathbb{F}_p \to \mathbb{F}_p$ as a polynomial with integer coefficients (e.g. by Lagrange), so we just need to check that a set-theoretic function $P:\{0,1,\dots,p-1\} \to \{0,1,\dots,p-1\}$ with the desired properties exists, which is easy: Take e.g. $P(x)=\left\lfloor\frac{x}{2}\right\rfloor$. Part 2: The CRT case a.k.a. the case of at least two prime factors: Now the set-theoretic map still works for general $n$, but what breaks down is the fact that every such map can be realized by a polynomial with integer coefficients. Checking the first non-trivial case $n=6$, one arrives at considering the values of $P$ modulo $2$ and modulo $3$. By CRT, the number of values of $P$ modulo $6$ is just their product. Now can $P$ and its iterates assume $3,2,1,1,\dots$ values modulo $6$? Well, then $3=a \cdot b$ where $a$ is the number of residues of $P$ modulo $2$ and $b$ the same modulo $3$. But then of course $a=1, b=3$ and so $P$ is bijective modulo $3$, which is a contradiction since then all its iterates would be bijective as well and the number of residues would never drop to $1$. So $n=6$ doesn't work and it looks like we have found a promising way to deal with composite $n$. Well, to actually apply CRT in a meaningful way, we need $n=ab$ with $a,b>1$ coprime, i.e. $n$ is not allowed to be a prime power. Well, then let us assume this. Now as before, by CRT the number of residues of $P$ modulo $n$ is just the product of those modulo $a$ and modulo $b$. For $n=6$, we started by considering the first entry in our sequence, but this is not too promising in general, since it depended on the number of residues being a prime, which was somewhat special. Instead, we should be looking at the last entry, more precisely, the last time when $P^m$ has more than one residue modulo both $a$ and $b$ (include $m=0$ for convenience to make sure that this happens at some point). Now in the next step, one of the numbers, say the one modulo $a$, drops down from at least $2$ to exactly $1$, i.e. it drops by a factor of at least $2$. The number modulo $b$ has to decrease as well (otherwise, if $P^m$ and $P^{m+1}$ have the same number of residues modulo $b$, then $P^{m+2},P^{m+3},\dots$ have the same number of residues as well, but this number is larger than $1$ by assumption, which is absurd). In total, the number of residues modulo $n$, which is the product of the two, has to decrease by more than a factor of $2$, which is incompatible with it being part of the sequence $\left\lceil \frac{n}{2^m}\right\rceil$ (which always drops by at most a factor of $2$). So we win if $n$ has at least two prime factors, leaving us with the case of $n=p^k$ with $p \ge 3, k \ge 2$. Part 3: The Hensel case a.k.a. the prime power case: Again, let us begin by considering the simplest non-trivial case which is $n=9$. Here we want the sequence to be $4,2,1,1,\dots$. Here we have no chance of applying CRT, so it is not clear what to do. The crucial input is to remember Hensel's Lemma: Over each value which $P$ takes modulo $3$, there are either $3$ or $1$ values modulo $9$ assumed by $P$. So both $P$ and $P^2$ must have exactly two residues modulo $3$ which as before is absurd, since then all $P^m$ have exactly two residues modulo $3$. So $n=9$ is impossible and again we have a promising approach. Let us first generalize to $n=p^2$. As for $p=3$, we get from Hensel that above each value modulo $p$ assumed by $P$, there are either exactly one or exactly $p$ values modulo $p^2$. To find a contradiction, we should again consider the last entry in our sequence, more precisely this time the last entry where there are still $p$ residues modulo $p^2$ above one residue modulo $p$. If there are $k$ residues modulo both $p$ and $p^2$ afterwards, then before there must have been at least $k+p-1$ modulo $p^2$. Since again our sequence drops by at most a factor of $2$ in each step, we find that $k \ge p-1$. But then the number of residues modulo $p$ cannot have dropped in this step, so again it remains constant from now on, which is absurd since $p-1>1$. We are left to generalize the argument to the general case $n=p^k$. This is completely straightforward once we have the correct version of Hensel's Lemma. Indeed, we only require the following immediate consequence of Hensel: Above each value modulo $p$ assumed by $P$, there are either exactly $p^{k-1}$ or at most $p^{k-2}$ residues modulo $p^k$ assumed by $P$. The rest of the argument is now as before: We consider the last step where we are in the $p^{k-1}$-case for at least one residue modulo $p$. If we are left with only one residue modulo $p$ afterwards, then we are also only left with at most $p^{k-2}$ residues modulo $p^k$ afterwards, but before we had at least $p^{k-1}$ and so we dropped by a factor of at least $p>2$, contradiction. Similarly, if we are left with $t>1$ residues modulo $p$ afterwards, then we are only left with at most $t \cdot p^{k-2}$ residues modulo $p^k$ afterwards, but we were losing at least $p^{k-1}-p^{k-2}+1$ (since the number modulo $p$ now also has to drop by at least one) which is more than $t \cdot p^{k-2}$ and hence a contradiction.
20.07.2022 14:12
Although my solution looks frightening, the ideas used are pretty basic or simple or standard.
26.07.2022 06:54
Primes and powers of two work.
27.07.2022 05:52
CANBANKAN's solution is very instructive, thanks for sharing.
08.02.2023 20:15
Interesting problem, although I think if you've seen classical ideas before it's much easier to approach.
09.09.2023 09:06
Solved with Ritwin and fuzimiao2013. The answer is prime $n$ and $n=2^k$ for $k \ge 0$. Construction. Here we split into the two cases for $n$. Let $n=2^k$ for some $k \ge 0$. Consider the polynomial $P(x)=2x$. In particular, $P^m(x)=2^m x$, so it is easy to see that $P^m(1), \ldots, P^m(n)$ leave exactly $\lceil n/2^m\rceil$ distinct residues modulo $n$. Let $n=p$ for some prime $p$. We claim that in fact, we can take any function $P: \mathbb{F}_p \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_p$, and $P$ can be written as a polynomial in $\mathbb{F}_p[x]$. Note that by Lagrange interpolation, we can generate a unique polynomial of degree $p+1$. The main concern however, is the fact that the coefficients are all rational and can take non-integer values. Thankfully, none of the denominators of these fractions are divisible by $p$ (which can be checked easily), so we rewrite this generated polynomial $P$ over $\mathbb{F}_p[x]$. Now consider the [directed] arrows graph $G$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ given by $x \rightarrow P(x)$; due to the freeness on the restriction of the edges in $G$, we can draw the edges to form an Eytzinger layout, which obeys the required restriction. Claim: $G$ is a tree. Proof. This is true by the problem condition, as it eliminates the existence of a cycle. Proof that products of prime powers do not work. Let the root of $G$ be $r$. A residue $x \in \mathbb{Z}_n$ is said to have depth $\text{td}(x)>1$ if $P^{\text{td}(x)}(x)=r$ and $P^{\text{td}(x)-1}(x) \neq r$, and $\text{td}(x)$ is minimal. Let $M$ be the maximal depth in $G$, and let the height of $x$ be $M-\text{td}(x)$. In general, $G$ has a fixed number of residues of each height by the condition. It is well-known that $$M=\lfloor \log_2(n) \rfloor.$$However, noting that $\mathbb{Z}_n \cong \bigtimes \mathbb{Z}_{p^{v_p(n)}}$, we have that the maximal depth in $G$ is also $\lfloor \log_2(q) \rfloor$, where $q$ is the largest prime power in the factorization of $n$. This is a contradiction since $2q \le n$. Proof that odd prime powers do not work. This case is exactly the reason why this is an N8 and not a C8. We require one lemma, which is a consequence of Hensel's lemma. Lemma: [housekeeping] The number of residues modulo $p^k$ above each residue $x$ of $P$ modulo $p$ is either exactly $p^{k-1}$ or at most $p^{k-2}$. The key idea is that in $G$, $i \rightarrow j$ implies $\nu_p(i) \ge \nu_p(j)$. We consider into the following two cases. The bounds that follow are computed by considering the residues in the chain at $1$ modulo $p$ and $p^k$. Suppose $k \ge 3$. By the lemma, we have \[ p^{k-1}-p^{k-2}+1 \le p^{k-2} \cdot (\text{number of residues not $1$ in the range of $P$ modulo $p$}), \]which is impossible. Suppose $k=2$. By the lemma, we have \[ p - 1 \le 1, \]contradicting the parity of $p$. Thus we are done.