
Source: IMO ShortList 2008, Combinatorics problem 3, German TST 6, P1, 2009

Tags: geometry, IMO Shortlist, combinatorics, Extremal combinatorics, point set, pigenhole principle, bezout s identity

In the coordinate plane consider the set $ S$ of all points with integer coordinates. For a positive integer $ k$, two distinct points $A$, $ B\in S$ will be called $ k$-friends if there is a point $ C\in S$ such that the area of the triangle $ ABC$ is equal to $ k$. A set $ T\subset S$ will be called $ k$-clique if every two points in $ T$ are $ k$-friends. Find the least positive integer $ k$ for which there exits a $ k$-clique with more than 200 elements. Proposed by Jorge Tipe, Peru