Alice chooses a prime number $p > 2$ and then Bob chooses a positive integer $n_0$. Alice, in the first move, chooses an integer $n_1 > n_0$ and calculates the expression $s_1 = n_0^{n_1} + n_1^{n_0}$; then Bob, in the second move, chooses an integer $n_2 > n_1$ and calculates the expression $s_2 = n_1^{n_2} + n_2^{n_1}$; etc. one by one. (Each player knows the numbers chosen by the other in the previous moves.) The winner is the one who first chooses the number $n_k$ such that $p$ divides $s_k(s_1 + 2s_2 + · · · + ks_k)$. Who has a winning strategy? Proposed by Borche Joshevski, Macedonia
Source: JBMO Shortlist 2021
Tags: Junior, Balkan, shortlist, 2021, number theory, game, exponential