Let $n$ be a positive integer, and $a_1, a_2, \dots, a_{2n}$ be a sequence of positive real numbers whose product is equal to $2$. For $k = 1, 2, \dots, 2n$, set $a_{2n + k} = a_k$, and define $$ A_k = \frac{1 + a_k + a_k a_{k + 1} + \dots + a_k a_{k + 1} \cdots a_{k + n - 2}}{1 + a_k + a_k a_{k + 1} + \dots + a_k a_{k + 1} \cdots a_{k + 2n - 2}}. $$ Suppose that $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_{2n}$ are pairwise distinct; show that exactly half of them are less than $\sqrt{2} - 1$.
Source: 2022 Pan-African Mathematics Olympiad Problem 3
Tags: algebra, inequalities
10.07.2022 13:37
done Ai and Ai+n has a relationship
11.07.2022 22:31
08.01.2023 02:12
We have: $A_k=\frac{1+a_k+a_ka_{k+1}+\cdots +a_ka_{k+1}\cdots a_{k+n-2}}{1+a_k+a_ka_{k+1}+\cdots +a_ka_{k+1}\cdots a_{k+2n-2}}=\frac{1}{1+\frac{a_ka_{k+1}\cdots a_{k+n-1}+\cdots +a_ka_{k+1}\cdots a_{k+2n-2}}{1+a_k+a_ka_{k+1}+\cdots +a_ka_{k+1}\cdots a_{k+n-2}}}.$ Which gives us: $\frac1{A_k}-1=\sqrt2×\frac{f(n+k)}{f(k)}$, where $f(i)=\frac{1+a_i+a_ia_{i+1}+\cdots +a_ia_{i+1}\cdots a_{i+n-2}}{\sqrt{a_ia_{i+1}\cdots a_{i+n-1}}}$ (We used the condition on the product of the $a_is$ to get this equality). Finally this gives us that $(\frac1{A_k}-1)(\frac1{A_{k+n}}-1)=2$, and since the $A_is$ are distinct we can conclude that for each $i$: one of $\frac1{A_i}-1$ and $\frac1{A_{i+n}}-1$ is smaller than $\sqrt2$ while the other one is greater than it, which gives us what we wanted. Done .