Let P be a point in the plane. Prove that it is possible to draw three rays with origin in P with the following property: for every circle with radius r containing P in its interior, if P1, P2 and P3 are the intersection points of the three rays with the circle, then |PP1|+|PP2|+|PP3|≤3r.
Source: Spanish MO 2022 P4
Tags: Spain, geometry, geometric inequality
06.05.2022 00:08
Let angles between rays is equal 2π3 Let PP1=x,PP2=y,PP3=z We will show that x+y+z≤3r For triangle P1P2P3 we have that its circumradius is r and its sides are √x2+xy+y2,√y2+yz+z2,√z2+zx+x2 and its area is √34(xy+yz+zx) We have √x2+xy+y2√y2+yz+z2√z2+zx+x2√3(xy+yz+zx)=r So enough to prove that √3√x2+xy+y2√y2+yz+z2√z2+zx+x2xy+yz+zx≥x+y+z x2+xy+y2≥34(x+y)2 √3√x2+xy+y2√y2+yz+z2√z2+zx+x2≥98(x+y)(x+z)(y+z)=98((x+y+z)(xy+yz+zx)−xyz)=(x+y+z)(xy+yz+zx)+(x+y+z)(xy+yz+zx)−9xyz8≥(x+y+z)(xy+yz+zx) And so for such choice of rays we will have |PP1|+|PP2|+|PP3|≤3r.
06.05.2022 21:50
Actually just Ragvaldo's initial idea is enough. Let angles between rays be 2π3. Then point P is the Fermat point of triangle P1P2P3 and r is the circumradius of the same triangle. It is well known that Fermat point is the point for which the sum of lengths from the vertices of the triangle is minimized so it is no larger than the sum of the distances from the vertices of the circumcenter (which is equal to 3r). Thus |PP1|+|PP2|+|PP3|≤3r.