There are $998$ cities in a country. Some pairs of cities are connected by two-way flights. According to the law, between any pair cities should be no more than one flight. Another law requires that for any group of cities there will be no more than $5k+10$ flights connecting two cities from this group, where $k$ is the number number of cities in the group. Prove that several new flights can be introduced so that laws still hold and the total number of flights in the country is equal to $5000$.
Source: All-Russian 2022 9.7
Tags: combinatorics
20.04.2022 20:23
Here is a sketch of the official solution: Call a group of vertices $critical$ if it has $k$ vertices and exactly $5k+10$ edges. The main point is that if $G$ (the whole graph) isn't critical (if it is, note that $5000=5.998+10$), then we can add one edge so that again each group of $k$ vertices has max $5k+10$ edges. Now note that we want to add an edge between $x$ and $y$, such that $x, y$ don't belong both to a critical set. We present now the following $\textbf{Lemma}$: If two sets of vertices $A$ and $B$ are critical, then so is their union. $\textbf{Sketch of proof}$: If $f(X)$ is the number of edges in $X$, note that if $C$ is their intersection, then $f(D) \geq f(A)+f(B)-f(C) >... \geq 5|D|+10.$ (use $f(C)\leq 5|C|+10$ and $|D|=|A|+|B|-|C|$; $D$ is the union) $\blacksquare$ Now we take the union $A$ of all critical sets, which due to the lemma is a critical set. Take one vertex $x$ outside $A$ and $y$ in $A$, such that $xy$ isn't an edge, and we can add it ($x$ has $<5$ neighbors in $A$ due to the fact that we can't add it to $A$ - maximality of $A$, and obviously $A$ has more than $5$ vertices, because $k(k-1)/2>5k+10$).
01.03.2023 20:08
Let $e(S)$ denote the number of edges in some set $S$, and call such a set $S$ saturated if $e(S)=5|S|+10$. The key claim is as follows. Claim: Suppose that the laws are all followed. Then union $S$ of saturated sets $S_1$ and $S_2$ is also saturated. Proof: We have the inequality $$e(S) \geq e(S_1)+e(S_2)-e(S_1 \cap S_2).$$This follows because the RHS counts every edge joining two vertices in either $S_1$ or $S_2$ exactly once, and every such edge clearly lies in $S$. On the other hand, because $S_1$ and $S_2$ are saturated, we have $e(S_1)+e(S_2)=5|S_1|+5|S_2|+20$, and because the laws are followed, $e(S_1 \cap S_2) \leq 5|S_1 \cap S_2|+10$, hence $e(S) \geq 5(|S_1|+|S_2|-|S_1 \cap S_2|)+10$, and the conclusion follows from inclusion-exclusion. This implies that every saturated set is the subset of some set $S$, at every point in time. If we have less than $5000$ edges then clearly $S$ isn't the whole graph, so take some vertex $v$ outside $S$ and connect it with a vertex $w$ in $S$. If this makes some set of vertices $T \ni v$ have more than $5|T|+10$ edges, then $T$ must have had at least $5|T|+10$ vertices before adding $\overline{vw}$, hence it was saturated. But $T \neq S$: contradiction. $\blacksquare$ Remark: Of course, this proof should work for any linear function.