Let ABC be an acute triangle with AB<AC. The angle bisector of BAC intersects the side BC and the circumcircle of ABC at D and M≠A, respectively. Points X and Y are chosen so that MX⊥AB, BX⊥MB, MY⊥AC, and CY⊥MC. Prove that the points X,D,Y are collinear.
Source: Poland 73-3-1
Tags: geometry
01.04.2022 02:18
This problem was proposed by Burii.
01.04.2022 11:17
01.04.2022 13:17
Let N the midarc of AB containing A; since BM⊥BX then B,X,N are colinear idem N,Y,C are colinear . ∠XMY=∠(⊥AB,⊥AC)=∠BAC implies MNXY is cyclic and MX=MY more ∠YMA=∠(⊥AC,⊥AN)=∠CAN=∠CMN,∠AMX=∠(⊥AN,⊥AB)=∠NAB=∠NMB thus MA is the bisector of ∠XMY let D′=MA∩XY it suffices to show that D=D′ indeed since MXY isoceles then D′ is the projection ofM on XY besides B,C, are the feet of M on NX,NY then by simson line B,C,D′ are collinear therefore the result follows . My regards RH HAS
05.04.2022 21:49
Claim: BDMX is cyclic. Proof. Notice ∡DMX=∡AMB+∡BMX=∡ACB+∡XBE=∡ACB+∡NCA=∡NAB=∡MAB+90=∡CBM+90=∡DBX.◼ Similarly, CMDY is cyclic. Hence, ∡XDM=90=∡YDM. ◻