A polynomial f(x) with real coefficients of degree greater than 1 is given. Prove that there are infinitely many positive integers which cannot be represented in the form f(n+1)+f(n+2)+⋯+f(n+k)where n and k are positive integers.
Source: IZhO 2022 Day 2 Problem 5
Tags: algebra, polynomial
18.02.2022 16:22
Reposting my solution from yesterday: Suppose that f has degree d≥2. Clearly, we may assume that the leading coefficient of f is positive. In that case f(n)+C≫nd for all n where C is a suitable constant depending only on f and hence f(n+1)+⋯+f(n+k)+Ck≫(n+1)d+⋯+(n+k)d≫(n+1)2+⋯+(n+k)2≫kn2+k3.So if we want to represent an integer m≤M, we need kn2+k3≪M+k and hence k≪M1/3 and n≪M1/2. Hence, the number of choices of (k,n) is only O(M5/6) so that almost all the integers up to M are not represented, if M is very large, in particular, there are infinitely many such numbers. (One can actually prove that the number of represented integers up to M is O(M2/3) by counting slightly more carefully, but this is irrelevant here.)
18.02.2022 16:47
Ok, in order to make this rigorous there are some annoying obstacles, so I prefer it as follows The senior coefficient of f is positive. Let N be sufficiently large positive integer. The plan is to count the possible integers in the interval [N,2N] that can be represented as required. Note that f(n)≥c1n2(1)for sufficiently large integers n, where c1 is a positive constant, that may depend on f. By (1) it follows #{n∈N:f(n)≤2N}≤c2√Nwhere c2 is a positive constant (possibly depending on f) Let us fix some m∈N. The number of integers in [N,2N that can be represented as sum of at most m consecutive values of f is at most c2m√N. Let now estimate the number Nm of integers r∈[N,2N]representable as r=f(n)+f(n+1)+⋯+f(n+m−1)It means r≥c1mn2, thus c1mn2≤2N or n≤c3√N√mn+m−1≤c3√N√m+m−1≤c4√N√mwhich holds if N is sufficiently large N. Further Nm≤c242(√N√m)2=c242NmHence the number of integers in [N,2N] that can be represented as required is at most c2m√N+c242Nmwhich is less than N for sufficiently large m (and depending N>m).
18.02.2022 17:02
In case you are referring to my leisure treatment of small values of n, I edited my solution slightly to address that. Otherwise, I don't see how it is not rigorous.
18.02.2022 17:37
You have no problem with me! But note that many students do not even know even what "≪" means.
18.02.2022 17:47
The same method as the above ones can show that there are infinitely many primes not of the desired form, right? (Just replace M by M/logM, everywhere, having in mind the Prime Number Theorem, seems enough?) Is there are way to prove this in a purely number-theoretic fashion? (I have a good approach but with an awful gap, may post later.)
18.02.2022 21:08
Let g(x)=x∑j=1f(j). Note g(x) is a polynomial of degree degf+1. Let d=degf Say for sufficiently large x, 1−ϵ<f(x)cxd<1+ϵ, then 1−ϵ<g(x)cxd+1d+1<1+ϵ Notation. a(x)=O(b(x)) then|limis bounded. If a(x)=o(b(x)) this limit is 0. We group solutions into 2 exclusive groups that cover all possibilities: Group I: g(a)<cn^{\frac{d+1}{d}-\delta} for a suitable \delta<\frac{1}{d^2}. This means a,b=O(n^{\frac{1}{d}-\frac{\delta}{d+1}}) so this produces o(n^{\frac 2d})=o(n) solutions. Group II: g(a)>cn^{\frac{d+1}{d}-\delta}, then f(a)>cn^{1-\frac{d \delta}{d+1}} so a-b=O(n^{\frac{d \delta}{d+1}}). For each choice of a-b, we are dealing with a polynomial h(x)=g(x)-g(x-k), and each of them covers O(n^{\frac 1d}) numbers in [1,n] so they cover at most \frac 1c \cdot n^{\frac{d \delta}{d+1} + \frac 1d} = o(n) numbers. Adding two groups, the conclusion follows.
19.02.2022 14:19
In the contest, I have reduced the question to the case of degree 2. Do you have any other specific solution for f, which has degree 2, in a straightforward way, without mentioning the aforementioned claims?
19.02.2022 17:52
Is there any number-theoretical solution for the case when f has integer coefficients?
21.02.2022 12:01
Here is a short proof for \deg f \geq 3. We may assume that f(x) has positive leading coefficient (otherwise it is bounded from above for x>0), thus f(x) \to \infty as x\to\infty and so the sets {M\leq f(x)}, x=1,2,\ldots cover the positive integers. Now, for a fixed x, the number of solutions to n+k \leq x (and hence the number of choices for n and k) is at most cx^2 for some constant c; but f(x) - cx^2 \to \infty for \deg f \geq 3 and so we are done.
31.10.2022 21:29
I don't understand the symbols O, \mathcal{O} and \ll, what are they exactly? Can someone elaborate please? I couldn't find a solution sadly
31.10.2022 21:36
Iora wrote: I don't understand the symbols O, \mathcal{O} and \ll, what are they exactly? Can someone elaborate please? I couldn't find a solution sadly All three are all synonyms for Big O notation.
13.02.2023 21:19
04.04.2023 11:45
Suppose not, that is, suppose that there are only finitely many positive integers which cannot be represented in the form f(n+1)+f(n+2)+\cdots+f(n+k) for some positive integers n and k. Let S be the set of positive integers which cannot be represented in this form. Since S is finite, there exists a positive integer N such that S\subseteq{1,2,\ldots,N}. Consider the polynomial g(x)=f(x+1)-f(x). Since f has degree greater than 1, g has degree at least 1. Thus, by the integer root theorem, there exists an integer m such that g(m)\neq 0. Now consider the sum \begin{align*} \sum_{i=n+1}^{n+k}g(i)&=\sum_{i=n+1}^{n+k}[f(i+1)-f(i)] \ &=f(n+k+1)-f(n+1). \end{align*} Thus, the set of possible values of f(n+1)+f(n+2)+\cdots+f(n+k) is precisely the set of possible values of f(n+1)+f(n+2)+\cdots+f(n+k+1)-f(n+1). Since g(m)\neq 0, there exist positive integers n and k such that g(n+1)+g(n+2)+\cdots+g(n+k)\neq 0. Then, the set of possible values of f(n+1)+f(n+2)+\cdots+f(n+k) contains all the positive integers greater than or equal to f(n+1)-\max{f(n+2),f(n+3),\ldots,f(n+k+1)}. In particular, for any i\in{1,2,\ldots,N}, there exist positive integers n and k such that f(n+1)+f(n+2)+\cdots+f(n+k)=i. Thus, i\notin S, which contradicts the assumption that S\subseteq{1,2,\ldots,N}. Therefore, there must be infinitely many positive integers which cannot be represented in the form f(n+1)+f(n+2)+\cdots+f(n+k) for any positive integers n and k.
12.09.2023 15:40
Assume the leading coefficient of f is positive. Let f_k(n)=f(n)+\cdots+f(n+k-1), so we want to show that there are infinitely many positive integers not representable as f_k(n) for some (k,n). Consider some large interval [1,N] and suppose f_k(n) \in [1,N]. This clearly implies that n is O(N^{0.5}). Furthermore, we can check (by estimating with an integral, for instance) that if k~N^{0.4}, then f(1)~N^{1.2}, hence k must be O(N^{0.4}), so there are O(N^{0.9}) pairs (k,n) that could possibly work. \blacksquare
21.12.2023 05:18
Suppose that f has degree d \geq 2. We may assume that the leading coefficient a of f is positive, otherwise f(x) is bounded from above for x>0 and we are done. Let C be a constant such that f(x) \geq \frac{a}{2}x^d for all x>C. There are finitely many integers in the desired form with n < C and k < C, so it suffices to show that there are finitely many with n\geq C or k \geq C. Consider all integers in the interval [1,M]. In order for an integer in this interval to be representable in the desired form with corresponding n and k, we must have f(n+1) + f(n+2) + \cdots + f(n+k) \leq M. On the other hand f(n+1)+\cdots+f(n+k) \geq \frac{a}{2}\left((n+1)^d+\cdots+(n+k)^d\right) \geq \frac{a}{2}\left((n+1)^2+\dots+(n+k)^2\right)and hence M \geq \frac{a}{2} \cdot kn^2 and M \geq \frac{a}{2} \cdot \frac{k^3}{3} (as 1^2 + 2^2 + \cdots + k^2 = \frac{k(k+1)(2k+1)}{6} > \frac{k^3}{3}). So if we want to represent an integer m \leq M, we need k \leq AM^{1/3} and n \leq AM^{1/2} for some constant A. Hence, the number of choices of (k,n) is at most A^2M^{5/6} and so at least M - A^2M^{5/6} = M^{5/6}(M^{1/6} - A^2) integers are not representable in the desired form. As M becomes very large, the latter expression grows arbitrarily large, so we are done.