
Source: Indonesian Stage 1 TST for IMO 2022, Test 4 (Geometry)

Tags: Fact 5, geometry

In a nonisosceles triangle $ABC$, point $I$ is its incentre and $\Gamma$ is its circumcircle. Points $E$ and $D$ lie on $\Gamma$ and the circumcircle of triangle $BIC$ respectively such that $AE$ and $ID$ are both perpendicular to $BC$. Let $M$ be the midpoint of $BC$, $N$ be the midpoint of arc $BC$ on $\Gamma$ containing $A$, $F$ is the point of tangency of the $A-$excircle on $BC$, and $G$ is the intersection of line $DE$ with $\Gamma$. Prove that lines $GM$ and $NF$ intersect at a point located on $\Gamma$. (Possibly proposed by Farras Faddila)