
Source: Indonesian Stage 1 TST for IMO 2022, Test 2 (Geometry)

Tags: Triangle, geometry, midpoint, concurrence

Given that $ABC$ is a triangle, points $A_i, B_i, C_i \hspace{0.15cm} (i \in \{1,2,3\})$ and $O_A, O_B, O_C$ satisfy the following criteria: a) $ABB_1A_2, BCC_1B_2, CAA_1C_2$ are rectangles not containing any interior points of the triangle $ABC$, b) $\displaystyle \frac{AB}{BB_1} = \frac{BC}{CC_1} = \frac{CA}{AA_1}$, c) $AA_1A_3A_2, BB_1B_3B_2, CC_1C_3C_2$ are parallelograms, and d) $O_A$ is the centroid of rectangle $BCC_1B_2$, $O_B$ is the centroid of rectangle $CAA_1C_2$, and $O_C$ is the centroid of rectangle $ABB_1A_2$. Prove that $A_3O_A, B_3O_B,$ and $C_3O_C$ concur at a point. Proposed by Farras Mohammad Hibban Faddila