
Source: Lusophon Mathematical Olympiad 2021 Problem 2

Tags: Easy Combinatorics

Esmeralda has created a special knight to play on quadrilateral boards that are identical to chessboards. If a knight is in a square then it can move to another square by moving 1 square in one direction and 3 squares in a perpendicular direction (which is a diagonal of a $2\times4$ rectangle instead of $2\times3$ like in chess). In this movement, it doesn't land on the squares between the beginning square and the final square it lands on. A trip of the length $n$ of the knight is a sequence of $n$ squares $C1, C2, ..., Cn$ which are all distinct such that the knight starts at the $C1$ square and for each $i$ from $1$ to $n-1$ it can use the movement described before to go from the $Ci$ square to the $C(i+1)$. Determine the greatest $N \in \mathbb{N}$ such that there exists a path of the knight with length $N$ on a $5\times5$ board.