Let $a_0 = 1, \ a_1 = 2,$ and $a_2 = 10,$ and define $a_{k+2} = a_{k+1}^3+a_k^2+a_{k-1}$ for all positive integers $k.$ Is it possible for some $a_x$ to be divisible by $2021^{2021}?$ Flavian Georgescu
Source: Stars of Mathematics 2020 (junior level)
Tags: algebra, number theory, romania
Let $a_0 = 1, \ a_1 = 2,$ and $a_2 = 10,$ and define $a_{k+2} = a_{k+1}^3+a_k^2+a_{k-1}$ for all positive integers $k.$ Is it possible for some $a_x$ to be divisible by $2021^{2021}?$ Flavian Georgescu