Within a group of $ 2009$ people, every two people has exactly one common friend. Find the least value of the difference between the person with maximum number of friends and the person with minimum number of friends.
Source: Turkey TST 2009, Problem 3
Tags: search, symmetry, combinatorics unsolved, combinatorics
09.04.2009 18:26
Actually this one - as I also learned after the contest - is a special case of a known theorem which is called Friendship Theorem. Take a look at it from here
19.04.2009 12:16
I got that the only possible graph is that one vertex has $ 2008$ edges,and other $ 2008$ vertices form $ 1004$ egdes. So the answer is $ 2008-2=2006$ Is it right?
19.04.2009 16:11
Yes, it's correct.
20.04.2009 16:56
My solution: Take the person with the maximal number of friends. Call him $ A$. Assume all of $ A$'s friends are $ A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}$, respectively. For $ 1\le i\le m$, since $ A$ and $ A_{i}$ have exactly one friend, which must be one of $ A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}$. Therefore $ A_{i}$ has exactly one friend among $ A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}$. So $ m$ is even. Assume $ m=2k$. W.l.o.g. we can assume that for $ 1\le i\le k$, $ A_{2i-1}$ and $ A_{2i}$ are friends. Since $ A$ is chosen arbitrarily, we have that everyone has an even number of friends. Now it suffices to prove that $ m=2008$, which is equivalent to that there are no more people other than $ A,A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}$. Assume the opposite, for any person $ B$ other than $ A,A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}$. Since $ A$ and $ B$ have exactly one friend, $ B$ has exactly one friend among $ A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}$. So we can divide other persons into $ m=2k$ sets according to which of $ A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}$ is his friend. More specific, for $ 1\le i\le m$, denote set $ F_{i}=\{ x|x\notin \{A,A_{1},A_{2},\cdots,A_{m}\} \text{ and x is a friend of }A_{i} \}$ and $ S_{i}=|F_{i}|$. It is trivial that $ k\ge 2$, so $ A_{3}$ exists. Due to the opposite assume $ F_{i}$ are not all empty, w.l.o.g. we assume $ F_{1}$ is not empty and take an element $ B_{1}$ from it. For $ 3\le i\le m$, $ B_{1}$ and $ A_{i}$ have exactly one friend, which belongs to $ F_{i}$. Therefore $ B_{1}$ has exactly one friend in $ F_{i}$ for $ 3\le i\le m$. So there exists a bijection between $ F_{1}$ and $ F_{i}$ for $ 3\le i\le m$, so $ S_{1}=S_{3}=\cdots =S_{m}$. Due to the symmetry of all $ S_{i}$ we have all $ S_{i}$ are the same number. Assume it is $ x$. Because all of $ A_{1}$'s friends are $ A$, $ A_{2}$ and all $ x$ elements in $ F_{1}$, so $ A_{1}$ has exactly $ x+2$ friends and $ x$ is an even number. Therefore there are $ 1+m+mx=m(x+1)+1$ people in total. Also the condition told us that there are $ 2009$ people in total. So $ m(x+1)+1=2009$, $ m(x+1)=2008$, $ k(x+1)=1004$. Now it is easy to get a contradiction. $ 1004=2^2*251$, and $ 251$ is a prime number. But $ x+1$ is an odd divisor of $ 1004$ that means it could only be either $ 1$ or $ 251$. If $ x+1=251$, then $ x=250$ and $ k=4$, which makes $ A$ has less friends than $ A_{1}$, a contradiction. If $ x+1=1$, then $ x=0$ also contradicts the hypothesis. Therefore the hypothesis is wrong and the only possible graph is which I describe in the former post. Q.E.D